More information : (Centred SS 24450673) East Leigh Berrys (NR) (1)
Multivallate defensive enclosure consisting of three enclosures joinedand communicating with each other. E and W enclosures each 204' by 144', the centre being 126' by 108'. (2)
Feature visible. (3)
"East Leigh Berrys" (name confirmed) comprises three contiguous univallate enclosures, situated at 91 m Ordnance datum on a low southwest spur, from which Stratton is visible along the valley. Since 1953 the area has been reclaimed from woodland and scrub, ploughed and put under pasture with the result that the features have been smoothed.
The largest, north east enclosure is of irregular plan and internally of about 0.3 ha. It is encompassed by a flattened bank 7.0 m wide and 0.7 m high, an outer ditch 8.0 m wide and 0.3 m deep, and, on the northwest side, a counterscarp bank.
The central enclosure, of 0.14 ha is also irregular in plan with a bank 5.0 m wide and 0.4 m high. The accompanying ditch 6.0 m wideand 0.5 m deep is not only cut up to 0.3 m deeper and apparently into the preceeding work but continues around the third enclosure to the south west. Thus second and third seem constructed as a whole and although there may have been a cross ditch they are now separated only by a scarp 0.5 m high.
The south west enclosure is roughly circular, 50.0 m in diameter.It has a flattened dome profile up to 1.7 m high on the south west with perimeter scarping, 1.0 m high, which fades on the SW leaving a staggered gap 20.0 m wide. There is an outer ditch 8.0 m wide and 0.5 m deep on the north west and a faint almost terrace-like ditch on the south east. There is now no evidence of a ditch around the sout west beyond which the spur ends with a moderately steep slope. There is no entrance to any of the earthworks and the inturning in the south west enclosure appears to have resulted from later mutilation.
The earthwork appears to be an adulterine motte (which could never have been very high) with two baileys to the north east. It is not in a good defensive situation being overlooked, at a distance, on all sides but the south west. It does, however control the Medieval route into north Cornwall. The poor state of the earthworks cannot be solely due to clearance but suggests that it was either unfinished or thoroughly slighted.
Surveyed at 1:2500 on AM.
Immediately to the north east 4.0 ha of cleared ground exhibit irregularities and possible hollow ways but these are so fragmentary that no conclusion can be drawn as to their date or purpose. (4) |