More information : [SP 39536679] c.500 yards north of Snowford bridge near the east bank of the Itchin, Ro. bricks, tile and pottery were found by H. Fowler and F. Haverfield. Tiles now in Warwick Museum. (1) Roman Building Site: trial holes dug by some school bays circa 1925. Fragments of building material were found together with sherds of pottery dated to the third century. (2) Small fragments of Roman building material and R.B. potsherds were found on the surface of a ploughed field centred at SP 3964 6685. The field to the west is pasture and no finds were made except at SP 3953 6679 where numerous fragments of box flue tile were removed from the bank of the stream at a depth of 0.5 metres from the surface. (3) SP 397670 Aerial photographs by J. Pickering and field walking have revealed a winged corridor house facing SW and the S range of a courtyard in front of this. There are at least five other buildings outside the main block, four to the W and one possibly two to the SE. The whole group appears to be surrounded by a 'boundary wall'. On the basis of recent discoveries it would seem that there was occupation of the site from the 2nd to the 4th century and that the finds to the south represent some form of subsidiary structures. (4) Full report of investigations (5)