More information : [SP 3625 9943] This is a fragment of a Class G Moat, with two low aggers on the north. (1) Fragment of a moat S.W. of the Manor House. (2) Mr. White of Manor House said that his family had farmed the land for 50 years, that he had never heard of a moat in the area, and that the material is clay. The water-filled feature indicated by M. Paul Dare is too inconsistent in width for a moat. Moreover, the western terminal is forked with one arm continuing slightly to the west where it fades into a scarp. It was, apparently, an original approach into the feature. There are no low aggers on the north side, though there is a ridge along the south side. It seems likely that the feature is no more than a clay pit, and that the ridge represents rejected surface material. There is an almost identical, though not water-filled, feature some 75.0 metres to the south, and about the entire area are many hollows from which materials have obviously been removed, either for marling or for brick-making. (3)