More information : (SP 841 430) Roman remains found (R). (1) Excavations at the Great Linford gravel pit, Stanton Low, in March 1957 revealed a Romano-British settlement developing possibly from earlier habitation comprising at least four stone buildings. (2) Further work in 1958, prior to destruction, recovered partial plans (see illustration) of four buildings. Pottery with Iron Age A and Belgic affinities, occurred below the buildings, the occupation of which was dated by coins, Samian Ware and coarse pottery from the second to the late fourth century. Of the four buildings, the most elaborate was the Bath building III (SP 8408 4307), it had large stone roof-slates and voussoirs of red tile and colitic limestone of unusual shape, with foundations 4ft thick. Nos II (SP 84264303), IV (SP 84094299) and probably I (SP 84284297) were domestic, two rooms in No II being heated by a channelled hypocaust, No IV, a less pretentious building, by hearths. (3) The site has been completely destroyed by gravel workings. (4) R B finds from this site in Bucks County Museum, Acc No's 62 3 61 (4) and 115-116, 62 (5) (5-6)