More information : [TF 0571 5527] ROMAN BUILDING [G.S.] (Site of) (1)
Roman coins, pottery, roof tiles, pipes, and tesserae found in the field east of Ashby Hall and south of Markham's Plantation. (2)
A little to the south-east [area TF 0582 5522] a Romano-British iron sickle was found in 1957. (3)
[See TF 05 S.E. 1 for another Ro. building.]
The area showed a scatter of fragmentary R.B. pottery, tile, and one small piece of samian ware. Immediately to the south, in a small area centred at TF 0572 5506, a heavy concentration of R.B. greyware was found. The present locations of the recorded finds could not be ascertained. (4)
Both sitings are located on level fields; OS air photographs not available. The farmer (a) reports no finds of pottery, but has noticed several large stones near the latter site whilst ploughing and draining the field. One of these stones was 0.6m square and 0.2m thick, with a central hole 0.05m across. Nothing visible on air photographs (b). No change since report of 4 1 65. (5) |