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Historic England Research Records

Monument Number 364669

Hob Uid: 364669
Location :
South Mimms
Grid Ref : TL2297002600
Summary : Motte and bailey castle probably built in the 12th century with occupation extending into the 14th century. The motte was preceded by a timber structure.
More information : (TL 2297 0260) Motte & Bailey (NR).(1)

A motte and bailey castle "tentatively equated with a licence granted to Geoffrey de Mandeville (1141-2) by Stephen and Matilda successively", (2), (see plan (7) and illus card). Excavations began by J Kent in 1961-5 (only provisional reports so far) suggest a timber tower built on the old ground surface with a timbered entrance on the south, the mound then built up over this superstructure from spoil from the ditch, (2). Finds included plaster, lead sheets, bricks, Saxo-Norman pottery and bronze and iron objects. Although it is supposed the castle ceased at the fall of Geoffrey de Mandeville in 1143,(2), a quantity of 13th cent and some 14th cent pottery was discovered which suggests a longer occupation of the site.(4).(2-7)

The work is generally as described by C.Lee Davis and the R.C.H.M. It has been heavily mutilated by chalk quarrying and is in fairly poor condition.
Excavations on the site are in progress under the direction of Dr. Kent of the British Museum, and an interim report is to be published soon, but indications so far suggest that there was some form of building on the site prior to the construction of the motte. The entrance to the inner bailey appears to have been on the S.W. side where there is a causeway across the ditch and a break in the rampart accompanied by two mounds (? gate-houses). A causeway on the N side is probably modern as also is the break in the SE side which is possibly an old quarry. Traces of the outer bailey are visible on the SE side in a field which is under plough. A rough rectangular area is enclosed by traces of a bank which is accompanied on the NE side by a ploughed down ditch.
Resurveyed at 1/2500. (8)

The earthwork is overgrown, and the excavation areas are still open. The banked and ditched enclosure to the south east of the bailey cannot be an outer bailey. It is incongruous to the plan and too regular in form to be considered contemporary.
Published survey(25") revised. (9)

TL 230026. Motte and bailey castle - Scheduled: Herts 83. (10)

Reconstruction drawing of the C12th motte. (11)

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details : OS 6" 1960
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 95
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 10
Source :
Source details : DoE (IAM) List Anc Mons 3 1978 52
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 11
Source :
Source details : Clarke H 1984. The Archaeology of Mediaeval England. London: British Museum 126.
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 3
Source :
Source details : Norman Castles in Britain 1968 314 (D Renn)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 4
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 3
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 12-Oct-65
Source Number : 5
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 318
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 5, 1961
Source Number : 6
Source :
Source details : RAF 58/651 3075-6 April 1951
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 7
Source :
Source details : C L Davis
Page(s) : 464-71
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 7, 1933-7
Source Number : 7a
Source :
Source details : Mr Taylor, Curator, Barnet Museum
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Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 8
Source :
Source details : F1 FGA 27-FEB-68
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Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 9
Source :
Source details : F2 JRL 08-AUG-75
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Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Medieval
Display Date : Medieval
Monument End Date : 1540
Monument Start Date : 1066
Monument Type : Motte And Bailey, Watch Tower
Evidence : Sub Surface Deposit, Conjectural Evidence

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (National No.)
External Cross Reference Number : 20625
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : HT 83
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : TL 20 SW 1
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1960-01-01
End Date : 1967-12-31
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1968-02-27
End Date : 1968-02-27
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1975-08-08
End Date : 1975-08-08