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Historic England Research Records


Hob Uid: 382985
Location :
Grid Ref : TL8618083270
Summary : The late Saxon town of Thetford was first mentioned in 870 when the Vikings set up camp there. It subsequently became an important Anglo-Danish settlement with records of a mint existing between 959 and 975. Excavations have revealed intensive occupation and industrial activity including ditches, pits, and pottery kilns. Much pottery, mainly Theford ware has been recovered. Scheduled.
More information : (TL 835828). The site of the late Saxon Town of Thetford,
on the south bank of the Little Ouse was excavated by G M Knocker
from 1948-58 on behalf of the then Ministry of Works, in the area
between the Bury Road and the Newmarket Road (centred at TL 865825)
and at Red Castle (see TL 88 SE 19). (1-3)

Further excavations were carried out by B K Davison in 1964-6 in areasTL 863830 and 862828. Thetford is mentioned in 869 AD in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and a mint is known to have existed from the time of Eadgar (959-975) to Henry II.

Excavations have revealed intensive occupation including industrial
activity, ditches, pits, hut sites, pottery kilns and metalled roads,
and a defensive ditch along the south west side. Also a large
cemetery at Red Castle and other cemeteries at the modern cemetery
(see TL 88 SE 31) and along the Bury Road.

Much pottery mainly 'Thetford ware' has been found. The main period
of occupation was 9th-11th century AD. See plans. (4)

(Name centred TL 863833) Thetford (NAT) (5)

Thetford was a major Anglo-Danish town in the 11th century, and the
seat of a bishop between 1071 and 1095. However, documentary and
archaeological evidence suggest that by circa 1100 Thetford was
undergoing rapid decline, which persisted throughout the 12th century.During this time, Thetford began to move from its site on the south side of the Little Ouse to the north bank. (6)

The first documentary reference to Thetford occurs in 870 in the
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (7) The name probably denotes a public ford. (8)
'Tetfod' is mentioned in Domesday. (9)

TL 86958221 (10) Excavations on the site of St. Barnabas Hospital
in 1977 revealed part of the south-east defences of the late Saxon
town (see illustration card). Two parallel ditches ran east and west
along the northern edge of property formerly covered by St Barnabas
Hospital. The southern ditch was 3.40m wide and 1.50 m deep. The
northern ditch, 8m wide and 2.20m deep, was bounded on the north
by slight traces of a bank.

Finds from both ditches include several sherds of Thetford ware and
scattered human skeletal material. Evidence of Saxo-Norman iron
and bone-working was discovered mainly at the northern end of the
site. An 11th century pit produced a worn mid 9th century styca,
and a cut penny of Aethelred II was found in an unstratified context.

No surface evidence for the Anglo-Saxon town survives. (13)

TL 865828. Site of Saxon town including site of St. John's churchyard on playing field, scheduled.

TL 863825. Site of town ditch: Icknield Way allotments, scheduled.

TL 867825. Site of Saxon town: Primary School grounds, Hilary Road,

TL 870824. Site of Saxon town: Bury Road allotments, scheduled.

TL 874825. Site of Saxon town: Nun's Bridges open space, scheduled

TL 871826. Site of Saxon town: plot on E side of Mill Lane 60 m N ofNunthorpe House, scheduled.

TL 868831. Site of Saxon town: car park to N of Anchor Hotel,

TL 861831. Area of Saxon town N of Red Castle, scheduled. (14)

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details : (G M Knocker)
Page(s) : 117-122
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 2, 1949-1950
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : (G M Knocker)
Page(s) : 119-186
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 34, 1967
Source Number : 10
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 231
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 24, 1978
Source Number : 11
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 148
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 22, 1978
Source Number : 12
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 55-60
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 22, 1984
Source Number : 13
Source :
Source details : F1 WRWN 15-OCT-87
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 14
Source :
Source details : Eng Heritage SAMs, Norf, Oct 1988, 7-8
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 3
Source :
Source details : (B K Davison)
Page(s) : 189-208
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 11, 1967
Source Number : 4
Source :
Source details : (ed P Wade Martins)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 4, 1976
Source Number : 5
Source :
Source details : OS 1:10000 1981
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 6
Source :
Source details : (S L Dunmore & R D Carr)
Page(s) : 99
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 6a
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 41,976
Source Number : 7
Source :
Source details : Eng Place Names 1964 465 (E Ekwall)
Page(s) : 465
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 8
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 170
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) : 1969
Source Number : 9
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Early Medieval
Display Date : Early Medieval
Monument End Date : 1066
Monument Start Date : 410
Monument Type : Town Defences, Ditch, Pit, Mint, Pottery Kiln
Evidence : Earthwork, Documentary Evidence, Sub Surface Deposit, Find

Components and Objects:
Period : Early Medieval
Component Monument Type : Town Defences, Ditch, Pit, Mint, Pottery Kiln
Object Type : VESSEL
Object Material : Pottery

Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 294
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 292
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 293
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 295
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 297
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 298
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 333
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 291
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 5847
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 5756
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 5758
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 20983
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 20982
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 5886
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 5746
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 1092
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : TL 88 SE 27
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Associated Monuments :
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Associated Monuments :
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Associated Monuments :
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Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
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Associated Monuments :
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Associated Monuments :
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Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1947-01-01
End Date : 1947-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1948-01-01
End Date : 1948-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1948-01-01
End Date : 1948-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1949-01-01
End Date : 1949-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1949-01-01
End Date : 1949-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1949-01-01
End Date : 1949-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1952-01-01
End Date : 1952-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1955-01-01
End Date : 1955-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1959-01-01
End Date : 1959-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1964-01-01
End Date : 1964-12-31
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1987-10-15
End Date : 1987-10-15
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EVALUATION
Start Date : 1994-01-01
End Date : 1994-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : WATCHING BRIEF
Start Date : 1995-01-01
End Date : 1996-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1995-01-01
End Date : 1995-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EVALUATION
Start Date : 1996-01-01
End Date : 1996-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EVALUATION
Start Date : 1997-01-01
End Date : 1997-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 2003-01-01
End Date : 2003-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : WATCHING BRIEF
Start Date : 2005-01-01
End Date : 2005-12-31
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EVALUATION
Start Date : 2010-01-01
End Date : 2010-12-31