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Historic England Research Records

Church Of St Andrew And Roudham. (Ruin)

Hob Uid: 385510
Location :
Roudham and Larling
Grid Ref : TL9565087170
Summary : Roudham Deserted Mediaeval Village and ruins of the Church of St Andrew. The ruined Church of St Andrew has a plan of a North-West tower, continuous nave and chancel, and is all of one build of the 14th century.
More information : TL 95618715 St Andrew's Church (NR) (remains of) TL 95978727 Moat (NR).(1)
St Andrew's Church, destroyed c 1740. The walls and a greater
part of the tower remain.(2)

TL 956871 DMV of Roudham. Mentioned in Domesday 1086. Church is
ruined, 2 or 3 cottages remain scattered from it, and there are
signs of a site near the church.(3)

TL 956872 Earthworks lie between the road and marshy area to the
north. Two moats are near Roudham Hall.(4)

Near Roudham Hall two moats are visible, with other earthworks
including a sunken way. Banks and ditches are north of the church
suggest a manorial complex centred at TL 95658718.(5)

TL 958873 The earthwork remains of Roudham village occupy about
12.0 acres mainly to the north of St Andrew's Church. They
represent field roads, crofts, steadings and two moats.

The earliest datable remains of the church appear to be 14th

At TL 96008734 is a 62.0m by 64.0m moat. Its island has been
excavated by a local farm labourer and there is an exposed flint
and brick wall below ground level. The farm labourer has left the
district. To the north of the moat is a small fish pond.

At TL 95918738 is a 48.0m by 58.0m moat of which the north arm and
part of the eastern arm have been destroyed. Six sherds of Thetford
ware (16th/18th century) were picked up on the island during

The remains are well preserved and suggest a fairly late date for
final desertion. The present 18th century Roudham Hall appears
to have succeeded the original moated site.

Surveyed on 1:2500 MSD.(6)

Description and survey of site. Documentary evidence for village.
Details of St Andrew's Church.(7)

The ruined Church of St Andrew has a plan of a NW tower, continuous nave and chancel, and is all of one build of the C14th. Grade II.(8)

Additional references.(9-11)

"Roudham is a symbol for the beginning and end of a journey, in archaeological terms, of a career that has spanned over two decades from the rising of a nascent moon to the setting of a burning sun, from naivety to wisdom, genesis to revealation and from alpha to omega. I started with enthusiasm in compiling this my first record and I end with satisfaction that what I set out personally to achieve many years ago has been fulfilled through many changes. To your own self be true and carry your conviction with you. The truth will always succeed, sham will be found out. Quality and accuracy are the truth and are still achievable even in the quantitive statistical fast-moving world we now live." (12)

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details : OS 6" 1959
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : The Ruined Churches of Norf 1931 30 (C J Messent)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 11
Source :
Source details : Pevsner N 1962. The Buildings of England: NW and S Norfolk 295
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 12
Source :
Source details : Annales of Ricardo de Pratis (atte Mead) Eboracum 1997
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 3
Source :
Source details : Norf Arch 31 1957 156 (K J Allison)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 4
Source :
Source details : Norf Res Comm. Bull 17 7 (Oct 1967)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 5
Source :
Source details : APs RAF CPE/UK 1918 3102-4 9.1.46
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 6
Source :
Source details : F1 RSC 30-SEP-77
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 7
Source :
Source details : East Anglian Arch 14 1982 48 - 59 plan. (Cushion, Fenner, Davison)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 8
Source :
Source details : DOE (HHR) Norfolk, District of Breckland 1983 19.
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 9
Source :
Source details : Mediaeval Village Research Group Rep 25 1977 11.
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 10
Source :
Source details : Mediaeval Village Research Group Rep 29 1981 42.
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Medieval
Display Date : Medieval
Monument End Date : 1540
Monument Start Date : 1066
Monument Type : Church, Deserted Settlement, Moat
Evidence : Ruined Building, Earthwork
Monument Period Name : Post Medieval
Display Date : Post Medieval
Monument End Date : 1901
Monument Start Date : 1540
Monument Type : Deserted Settlement, Church
Evidence : Ruined Building

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 87
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Scheduled Monument Legacy (County No.)
External Cross Reference Number : NF 325
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Norfolk)
External Cross Reference Number : 1057
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : Listed Building List Entry Legacy Uid
External Cross Reference Number : 219871
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : TL 98 NE 2
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1977-09-30
End Date : 1977-09-30