More information : (TQ 54979833) Earthworks (NR) (1) In Fortification Wood in Navestock is a low bank and shallow moat, measuring 350 ft. by 240 ft. and surrounding about 4 acres. Within these confines, at the southern end, is a later excavation which is now a pond. The earthwork existed in 1222, and may have been for military use or merely to protect growing timber. (2-3) The Fortification Wood enclosure falls in the category of earthworks loosely described as "manorial enclosures." The main enclosure is only part of a complex suggested by further banks and ditches leading away to the NW and SE, but all traces elsewhere have been destroyed. The main enclosure is not homogenous and the depth of the enclosing ditch varies from 2.0m. to 0.5m., with seemingly original causeways separating different stretches at different levels. The site, however, is almost certainly an occupation site as there can be little doubt the partly water-filled depression in the SW.corner is a fishpond. (4) Resurveyed at 1:2500. No change. (5)