More information : TQ 6832 6932: A Roman villa in Cobham Park was discovered in 1959 and excavated in 1959-60 under the supervision of PJ Tester who concluded that the site developed from a farmhouse circa 100 AD and was occupied to the mid 4th century. The villa remains were partly destroyed by a 17th to 18th century ha-ha. [TQ 66 NE 3]. An outbuilding and well to the north-east, both connected with the villa, were also excavated. [See plan AO/LP/64/17-18] Some native pottery slightly pre-dating the farmhouse, was found about the site. (1-3)
Visited during excavation; TQ 6827 6930:Well TQ 6830 6932: Building TQ 6832 6932: Villa walling, surveyed at 1:2500. (4)
The excavation has been filled and there is nothing to be seen. Recent deep ploughing has revealed a scatter of brick and tile at TQ 6835 6943, which Tester considers to be a probable extension of the site. (5)
Additional bibliography. (6-8)
KE 18 Listed as the site of a Roman corridor house. (9)