Summary : A circle of stones averaging 7 metres in diameter and up to 0.7 metres high. A few slabs are recumbent; other stones often just protrude from the turf, particularly within the perimeter where the interior has three sub-rectangular hollows. Two of these hollows probably represent the sites of cists. The Bronze Age ring cairn, recorded by previous authorities, is visible as a structure on 2021 Historic England orthomosaic aerial photography. The site was mapped from aerial sources in 2023 during the Historic England Dartmoor-Plym project.
More information : SX 58376569. On a slight north-west facing slope, in a relatively stone free area at 312m. OD, is a circle of stones averaging 7.0m. diameter and up to 0.7m. high (though most of the earthfast blocks and slabs are from 0.2m. to 0.4m. high). A few slabs are recumbent; other stones often just protrude from the turf particularly within the perimeter where the interior has two
rectangular pits 0.2m. deep. There is no central mound and the pits do not seem to represent robbed cists, but the stones certainly indicate the remains of a cairn circle.
Found during field investigation.
Surveyed at 1:10 000 on PFD. (1)
A circle of stones averaging 7.0m. diameter and up to 0.7m. high. A few slabs are recumbent; other stones often just protrude from the turf particularly within the perimeter where the interior has two rectangular pits 0.2m. deep. There is no central mound and the pits do not seem to represent robbed cists, but the stones certainly indicate the remains of a cairn circle. Scheduled. (2)
SX58346572 The circle of stones is generally as described although there may have been a double ring of slabs and stones. The internal pits - under close-cropped grass - are up to 0.4m deep and may be the result of desultory digging. (3)
SX 58376570. Remains of a ring cairn with three hollows visible within the circle of stones. Two of these probably represent the sites of the two cists recorded by Breton who referred to this cairn as the 'Ditsworthy Circle'. Schedule amended. (4)
The Bronze Age ring cairn, recorded by previous authorities, is visible as a structure on 2021 Historic England orthomosaic aerial photography. The site was mapped from aerial sources in 2023 during the Historic England Dartmoor-Plym project. Nineteen stones describing a sub-circular shape on plan measuring approximately 8.6m in diameter could be mapped from the aerial sources. Scheduled monument NHLE 1019082. (5)