Summary : A disturbed, turf covered cairn measuring 4.2 metres by 6 metres and standing 0.5 metres high. A cist has been exposed near the eastern edge of the mound. The Bronze Age cairn, recorded by previous authorities, is visible as an earthwork on Environment Agency 1m Lidar data flown in 2019 and 2021 Historic England orthomosaic aerial photography. The site was mapped from aerial sources in 2023 during the Historic England Dartmoor-Plym project.
More information : (SX 58526446) Cist (NR). (1)
A barrow 22 feet in diameter and 2 feet high, containing a cist,
approximately 2 feet square, the side and end-stones in place but the cover missing. The western end-stone is inclined inwards. (2)
SX 58546444. A small round cairn, 5.0m. diameter and 0.5m. high, on a gentle, well drained, clitter strewn, west facing slope at 355m. above OD. It is built of small boulders, now turf covered, and a cist lies within the cairn on the south-east side. The cist comprises the side and end stones, measures internally 0.7m. by 0.6m. wide, and is aligned on a grid bearing of 130o. The cover-stone is missing.
1:10 000 Survey on PFD. (3)
Depicted and described by Robertson and Butler. (5-6)
SX 58546445. A disturbed, turf covered cairn measuring 4.2m N to S by 6.0m and 0.5m high. A cist has been exposed near the E fringe of the mound and measures 0.65m by 0.7m and 0.3m deep. The former coverstone is partially buried to the W of the cairn's centre. The ovoid shape of the cairn and the presence of the cist so close to the margin suggests that it has been heaviy disturbed with much material removed from the E side and dumped to the W. There is no evidence to suggest the former presence of a kerb. (7)
The Bronze Age cairn, recorded by previous authorities, is visible as an earthwork on Environment Agency 1m Lidar data flown in 2019 and 2021 Historic England orthomosaic aerial photography. The site was mapped from aerial sources in 2023 during the Historic England Dartmoor-Plym project. It is centred on SX 58543 64444. The cairn mound measures approximately 5.8m in diameter. Scheduled monument NHLE 1018357. (8-9)