Summary : Grim's Graves. A ring cairn set into the slope, c 4.5m in diameter, with a cist at its centre. The cairn consists of a stony, turf-covered mound contained by a ring of upright slabs, most leaning outwards, c 1m in height; the mound rises to c 0.4m at top of cist. The cist, box dimensions c 0.8m x 0.95m internally, is formed from edge-set slabs. One side slab is c 1.7m long, 0.9m wide and 0.2m thick.The monument survives in a very good condition though the cover-stone is missing - this is possibly the slab that now lies on the down-slope side. The Bronze Age cairn and cist, recorded by previous authorities, are visible as a structure and earthwork on Environment Agency 1m Lidar data flown in 2019 and 2021 Historic England orthomosaic aerial photography. The site was mapped from aerial sources in 2023 during the Historic England Dartmoor-Plym project
More information : (SX 61236642) Crims Grave (NAT) Cairn Circle & Cist (NR) (1)
A perfect specimen of a cist, standing in a mound surrounded by a circle of nine stones, all standing, diameter of circle 18 feet. The cover-stone lay diagonally across the cist, and has now been lifted out and lies within the circle on the south side. Dimensions of cist: length 3 feet 1 1/4 inches to 3 feet 6 1/2 inches; breadth 2 feet 6 inches to 2 feet 7 inches; original depth 3 feet 3 inches. There were no results from excavation but a flint flake was found on the surface a few feet from the cist. (2)
The name 'Grim's Grave' could not be confirmed but is presumed to be traditional and was recognised by Worth. The feature comprises a flat-topped turf covered mound of stones 4.5m. in diameter and 0.5m. high. The peristalith has nine upright stones from 0.6m. to 1.0m. high. The central cist has had the coverstone replaced, as in the plan of 1950 (a).
Surveyed at 1:10 000 on PFD. (3)
Bronze Age cairn circle and cist. The cairn is 5.5m in diameter and 0.5m high with a surounding kerb of 9 or 10 stones up to 1m high. Scheduled. (4)
Drawn and described by Butler as one of the most impressive burial mounds on Dartmoor (5)
A ring cairn set into the slope, c 4.5m in diameter, with a cist at its centre. The cairn consists of a stony, turf-covered mound contained by a ring of upright slabs, most leaning outwards, c 1m in height; the mound rises to c 0.4m at top of cist. The cist, box dimensions c 0.8m x 0.95m internally, is formed from edge-set slabs. One side slab is c 1.7m long, 0.9m wide and 0.2m thick.
The monument survives in a very good condition though the cover-stone is missing - this is possibly the slab that now lies on the down-slope side. (6)
The Bronze Age cairn and cist, recorded by previous authorities, are visible as a structure and earthwork on Environment Agency 1m Lidar data flown in 2019 and 2021 Historic England orthomosaic aerial photography. The site was mapped from aerial sources in 2023 during the Historic England Dartmoor-Plym project. It is centred on SX 61241 66415. The cairn mound measures approximately 5.8m in diameter. Scheduled monument NHLE 1018591. (7-8)