More information : (SD 78843146) Hapton Castle (GT) (Site of) (1) "On the verge of the Castle Clough .... are the small remains of the Castle of Hapton, the seat of its ancient lords; and till the erection of Hapton Tower (SD 82 NW 3), the occasional residence of the Dalaleghs and Townleys". (2) Surveyed at 1:2500. (3) The site of Hapton Castle is a simple rectilinear enclosure some 40.0m N-S by 30.0m E-W formed by a substantial dry ditch 14.0m wide and up to 4.0m deep (now partially infilled), and the rock face of a natural gorge. Two fragments of masonry are the only remains on the central area, which probably supported a tower and/or small barmkin. Survey of 13 2 59 unchanged. (4)
SD 7883 3147. Hapton Castle. Scheduled RSM No 27679. A 4m length of the castle's stone walling stands to five courses high on the S side of the platform, and a further stretch, now turf-covered, on its E side. On the W, immediately above the ravine, the defences consist of an earthen bank up to 2m wide by 1m high and an internal ditch c.1m wide. Hapton Castle is thought to have been in existence in 1328 when Gilbert de la Leigh purchased Hapton from John Talbot. It was the seat of the Lords of Hapton until the erection of Hapton Tower c.2.5km away to the SE in 1510. The building was still inhabited in 1667 but was in ruins by 1725 and no longer existed in 1800. The castle is thought to have consisted of a stone tower keep and a stout wooden palisade or stone wall enclosing a yard. (4)