More information : (SD 7097 7260) Earthwork (NR) (1) Yarlsber Camp one mile east of Ingleton is an enclosure formed by a rampart with outer ditch and covering 1 1/2 acres. Excavated by H M White (a) and J C Walker revealing traces of a stone foundation or paving below the defences, but it was not possible to date the work. (2) The ditched and banked earthwork of Yarlsber is assumed to be of a similar age to Ingleborough Hill fort, i.e. Brigantian, though no remains have been found in it to prove this. (3) Resurveyed at 1:2500. A well defined non-defensive earthwork in reasonably good condition but denuded in part by 18th - 19th century ploughing. Though its purpose is obscure, its shape and size suggest a probable I.A. dating. (4) Visible on APs. (5) No change to report of Authy 4. Internally the surface is disturbed, but there is no obvious evidence of occupation. The size, topographical situation and general appearance suggest it to be a hill settlement almost certainly Iron Age in origin. Now under pasture and well preserved. Surveyed on MSDs at 1:2500. (6) Listed by Challis and Harding as a curvilinear enclosure (Iron Age). (7) SD 710726. Yarlsber camp. Scheduled, No 218 (8)