More information : ('A' - SY 59959928; 'B' - SY 60029931) Tumuli (NR) (1) 'A' - SY 59969928. A mound, probably the remains of a barrow, situated 1000 yds east of Cattistock church, has been almost obliterated by ploughing. Grinsell added in 1959 that there was "No sign. Perhaps removed for flints". (2) 'B' - SY 60029931. A mound, 75 yds to the south-west of 'A' has been destroyed by gravel digging. The mound was "vague and almost gone" according to Grinsell. (3) 'A' - No trace under crop. Slight surface quarrying has taken place in the area. 'B' - A bowl barrow, 18.0m diameter by 0.3m high, under crop with no trace of ditch. At 'C' - SY 59799929 is a bowl barrow with heavy flint content measuring 16.0m diameter by 0.8m high. At 'D' - SY 59749929 is another bowl barrow with a heavy flint content measuring 14.0m diameter by 0.5m high. (4) (A: SY 59959929) Tumulus (NR) (Site of) (NAT) (C: SY 59799928) & D: SY 59749929) Tumuli (NR) (B: SY 60019931) Tumulus (NR) (5) The area is now under pasture. 'A' has been destroyed by surface quarrying and 'B' has been ploughed out. 'C' is now 9.8m in diameter and 0.3m. high with a lynchet on its west side; 'D' measures 7.7m. in diameter and 0.1m high. Both 'C' and 'D' appear to be barrows. Revised at 1:2500 on MSD. (6)