More information : A mound with a cross-mark upon it is visible on St Joseph and Beresford air photographs in the grounds of Studland rectory (SZ 035825) according to the Rev O'Hanlon (rector). The site possibly represents a windmill mound. (1) A low NW-SE ridge seperates the former rectory from the present vicarage: the field it occipiers belongs to the church but it has been allowed to go to waste and is now covered in rank grass, braken and bramble. At SZ 03578248 just to the NW of where the footpath to the church cuts the ridge a deep digging od some age cuts into the ridge on the N side, from base to apex, and a small spoil heap some 8.0m in diameter has been deposited above it on the N side, just below the highest point. Although the site is suitable for a windmill nothing now visible could be cited as evidence for one and the St.Joseph AP quoted (Authy. 1) was not available. Height OD35m. Occupied by the Vicar of Studland. Owned by the Church Commissioners. (2)