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Historic England Research Records

Monument Number 620407

Hob Uid: 620407
Location :
Grid Ref : SK6316898164
Summary : Iron Age /Roman field boundaries, ditches and ditched rectilinear enclosures are visible as cropmarks on air photographs.
More information : SK 631 981
At SK 634 984 cropmarks visible, west of Warren Farm, the long boundaries were apparently interrupted by a patch of badly drained land, but south of this they resume their course and at 631981 run past an 0.4 ha enclosure with internal subdivisions. Near this are very small enclosures of 150 and 250 sq m and a field of 1 ha. To the north of the 0.4 ha enclosure the strip widths are 70, 80 and 90m.

At point A on the map there are clear marks of the side ditches of a 12 m wide lane and its central rut (Plate 1), which runs southwards on a curving route to point B. The photographs available at present do not contain enough fixed points for the accurate plotting of the boundaries near SK 627 978, and the crop marks can only be indicated by pecked lines. (1)

Iron Age /Roman field boundaries, ditches and ditched rectilinear enclosures are visible as cropmarks on air photographs, centred at SK 6316 9814.
Embedded within an extensive co-axial field system (see records SK 69 NW 29 / UID 620408 and SK 69 NW 27 / UID 620406) at SK 6316 9812 there is a rectilinear enclosure. This is sub-square in form and measures 50m by 45m. The enclosure has a potential possible entrance on the south side and internal divisions. The phasing of the enclosure and associated field boundaries and ditches is not clear.
Conjoined to the first, at SK 6320 9814 there is a second rectilinear enclosure. This lies on a field corner and measures 12m by 14m.
A further rectilinear enclosure is visible at SK 6315 9821. This lies along a field boundary and measures 16m by 14m. It is sub-square in form and has a potential entrance in the south east corner.

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 37, 93, 94
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : NMR SK6297/7 (DNR 1066/15) 29-Jun-1975
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Iron Age
Display Date : Iron Age
Monument End Date : 43
Monument Start Date : -800
Monument Type : Rectilinear Enclosure, Ditch, Field Boundary
Evidence : Cropmark
Monument Period Name : Roman
Display Date : Roman
Monument End Date : 410
Monument Start Date : 43
Monument Type : Rectilinear Enclosure, Ditch, Field Boundary
Evidence : Cropmark

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (South Yorkshire)
External Cross Reference Number : 03114/01
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (South Yorkshire)
External Cross Reference Number : 03114/02
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : SK 69 NW 28
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association

Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1995-01-01
End Date : 1995-12-31
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 2005-01-01
End Date : 2006-12-31