More information : [SE 41653039] Manor Garth Hill [GT]. (1)
"Kippax: Manor Garth Hill - The motte is rather low varying from nine to fifteen feet above the ditch, but seems to be of its original height, as it still retains a breastwork of earth round the top. There are signs of a wall under this breastwork. The diameter of the top is 100 ft. One ditch has been filled up; there are projections to the west of the hill as though a sort of low and broad terrace had been made there. There are signs that the bailey lay to the east in land now annexed to the churchyard, but its area cannot be determined. The site is not specially defensible, ... Kippax was a demesne manor of Ilbert de Laci at Domesday(a). In 1258 it was held of the King in chief as a baron(b)". (2)
Brief note describing Motte and bailey as in (2). (3)
A Roman glass bottle was found, March 1865, on the site of an artificial mound in the township of Kippax, now in the possession of Mr. John Holmes of Mithley. (4)
The Motte is as described in 2. The outlines of the Bailey (to the east of the Motte) appears to be preserved on its N. and E. sides by the course of Robinson Lane. A 25" survey has been made. (5)
Survey of 4.4.60. Checked and still correct. (6)
SE 4165 3039. Manor Garth Hill ringwork. Scheduled RSM No 13291. (7)
Listed by Cathcart King. (8)
The feature described above is visible as an earthwork on air photographs and was mapped as part of the Lower Wharfedale NMP project. (9) |