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Historic England Research Records

Monument Number 1025665

Hob Uid: 1025665
Location :
Grid Ref : SK6250096100
Summary : Iron Age /Roman field boundaries, ditches and double ditched trackways are visible as cropmarks on air photographs.
More information : SK 625 961 (Locality only): An examination of air photographs (1a) reveals a trackway and associated field system. Possible late Prehistoric date. (1)

Iron Age /Roman field boundaries, ditches and double ditched trackways are visible as cropmarks on air photographs, centred at SK 6267 9565.
A parallel arrangement of field boundaries is visible on a north west south east alignment over an area of 78ha. These form long rectangular fields with an average width of 171m. Some are double ditched and form trackways.

It is suggested this is part of the 'brickwork' field system.

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details : Jane Stone/07-JUL-1995/RCHME: AP Primary Recording Project
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 1a
Source :
Source details : NMR SK 6296/13-14
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Figs. :
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Vol(s) :
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : NMR SK6296/13 (DNR 837/37) 02-Aug-1975
Page(s) :
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Source Number : 3
Source :
Source details : NMR SK6295/11 (DNR 1544/35) 17-Jul-1979
Page(s) :
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Iron Age
Display Date : Iron Age
Monument End Date : 43
Monument Start Date : -800
Monument Type : Trackway, Field Boundary, Ditch
Evidence : Cropmark
Monument Period Name : Roman
Display Date : Roman
Monument End Date : 410
Monument Start Date : 43
Monument Type : Field Boundary, Trackway, Ditch
Evidence : Cropmark

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (South Yorkshire)
External Cross Reference Number : 02674/01
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (South Yorkshire)
External Cross Reference Number : 02143/02
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : SK 69 NW 78
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association

Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1992-01-01
End Date : 1996-12-31
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 2005-01-01
End Date : 2006-12-31