More information : Bronze Age bowl barrow, listed by Grinsell as Wilsford 81 and part of the Lake Down barrow group recorded as SU 13 NW 48. The barrow is still extant as an earthwork. See parent record (SU 13 NW 48) and Ordnance Survey record card for details of dimensions. (1-2)
The barrow has been recorded on aerial photographs as an earthwork mound with a diameter of 15m. It is centred at SU 1180 3915.
A field visit by the OS in 1972 found the barrow to be a mound, 1.15m high, with a diameter of 13m, this is 0.4m higher than Grinsell reported (see SU 13 NW 48). The excavation and geophysical survey records for the barrow cemetery are listed in SU 13 NW 48. (3-8)
The Bronze Age bowl barrow referred to above (1-8) was surveyed at a scale of 1:1000 in May 2009 as part of English Heritage's Stonehenge WHS Landscape Project. It was originally listed as Wilsford 81 by Goddard in 1913. The barrow has an overall diameter of 13.8m and comprises a mound, 1m high, with a slight berm on its northern and western sides plus possible traces of a ditch to the south-west, although this could be a plough line. A probable Prehistoric linear boundary is situated 10m to the south-west (Monument Number 218256). (9-10)
The earthwork remains of the barrow described in the above record could be seen on lidar images and aerial photographs. However, the georeferenced lidar images indicate that the barrow is located at SU 11782 39158 - immediateley to the west of the stated location.. (11) |