More information : [TA 0309 3933 to TA 0316 3909] Towns Ditch [NR] [TA 0295 3967 ; TA 0315 3998] Towns Ditch [NR] (Site of) (NAT) (Twice). (1)
There is no mention of walls in the public records of the town, but in the Chartulary of Beverley frequent reference is made to the 'gates and dytches'. Remains of the town moat may still be seen in the 'leases' and in 'Willow Grove'. It was crossed at five points protected by the 'Bars' - North Bar, Newbegin bar, Keldgate Bar, Eastgate Bar and Norwood Bar - of which the North Bar is the only one remaining. (2)
'..the course of the fosse or ditch may be ascertained Beginning at the North Bar, it may be followed in a SW direction passing the ancient site of Newbigin Bar, along Slut-well-lane, as far as the spot where Keldgate Bar formerly stood. It then takes an easterly course emptying itself into a drain near Englands Springs, in Long Lane, below the Minster. Commencing again at the North Bar it may be traced (although this and several other parts....are covered over, it still serves as a water course) inclining to the eastward as far as Pig-hill-lane. It then bends southerly into Norwood, and is connected with the Watergate drains'. (3)
There are now no extant portions of this ditch. The published section (authy 1) has been destroyed by a modern housing estate. (4)
Additional reference. (5) |