More information : TA 2260 7034. Remains of Flamborough Castle, a fortified manor house. (NR) (1)
Flamborough Castle, the remains of a Medieval fortified manor house constructed of chalk blocks, which had a vaulted basement, plain doorway and loophole. There were traces of a garderobe drain from first floor level. Foundations of a hall with an outbuilding were planned together with adjoining tofts and crofts, sunken ways and field boundaries. (2)
The published earthworks (revised at 25") are consistent with the above description. Only the east, south, and west walls of the fortified manor house remain standing. See photograph. (3)
TA 226 703. Flamborough Castle. Scheduled No HU/139. (4)
There may have been an earlier castle here in 1180-1193 when a `constabularius' is documented. (5)
The monument is also visible as earthworks on air photographs examined as part of the Rapid Coastal Assessment Survey of the Yorkshire and Humber Estuary. (7)
The remains of a medieval fortified manor house constructed of chalk blocks, which had a vaulted basement, plain doorway and loophole. There were traces of a garderobe drain from first floor level. Foundations of a hall with an outbuilding were planned together with adjoining tofts and crofts, sunken ways and field boundaries. The published earthworks (revised at 25") are consistent with the above description. Only the east, south and west walls of the fortified manor house remain standing There may have been an earlier castle here in 1180¿93 when a `constabularius¿ is documented. A watching brief was carried out in 1995 (EHU378: FCF 95). Scheduled Monument and Grade I listed. (8)