More information : AA (SK 5804) Md town wall and ditch, extant 13th century, ruinous 1587, now buried. (1) There are no extant remains of the medieval town wall (6).
a) SK 581048 Heavy masonry believed to be of Md town wall, discovered under south abutment of railway bridge during its construction in 1900 (2).
b) SK 581048 Rubble foundations similar to those found in Church gate (f). Probably Md. Found in Goodchild's excavation in 1952 (3).
c) SK 582049 (Could be either Roman or Medieval) Stone foundations found and destroyed during rebuilding of Duke of Cumberland (PH) (4).
d) SK 582049 Section cut by F Cottrill in 1938 no traces of wall found. (4)
e) SK 582049 (Could be Roman or Medieval). Excavations of 1952 by Goodchild revealed traces of wall foundations and ditch. (4)
f) SK 585 049 Excavations in 1950 by DTD Clarke revealed probable remains of medieval wall, built with material from Roman Wall destroyed in 1173 (2).
g) SK 585042 Medieval town wall seen in Wycliffe Street in 1902 during drainage operations (5). |