More information : SD 5215 7253. Manor Farm. A substantial Bronze Age funerary monument excavated in 1982 following identification during field survey, (SD 57 SW 30). The earliest structure on the site was a sub-rectangular enclosure of limestone boulders measuring c32 x 31m, dated to c1740-1640 BC cal and associated with parts of 2 poorly preserved inhumations, both with metalwork: a bronze axe, dagger and knife-dagger. The subsequent overlying cairn of smaller stones incorporated 11 fairly discrete concentrations of inhumed bone and 7 of cremated bone and pottery. All this material was extremely fragmentary and probably derived from a later re-use of the cairn. Definitive report (1).
The Bronze Age ring cairn was visible as an earthwork on historic aerial photography and mapped as part of the Lancashire National Mapping Programme project. It has subsequently been totally destroyed by late 20th century sand and gravel extraction (UID 1612230), following the archaeological investigation referenced by Authority 1 (2-3).