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Name:Bishop's Palace
HER no.:MCT2706
Type of Record:Monument


The site of the Bishop's Palace, built in the late 11th century. It survived until the mid 19th century, when it was demolished to make way for Priory Street.

Grid Reference:SP 3365 7905
Former Parish:Holy Trinity

Monument Type(s):

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area: Hill Top Conservation Area

Full description

1> The last standing remains of the palace appear on the 1851 Board of Health Map but the 4 wings around a central courtyard, shown on Speed's map in 1610 have gone.
2> In the near future [1938] the site from Dr Davidson's to Priory Row will be excavated and much of the Bishop's palace of 1086 will be found. Reader says in his book of 1810 'The Bishop's Palace stood at the n-e corner of St Michael's churchyard; it was sold in 1647 to Nathaniel Lacey, Samuel Palmer and Obadiah Chambers for £105, with a reserved rent of 1 mark'. Part of this Palace was used as 3 tenements, and was pulled down when Priory Street was made in the middle of the 19th century...
3> Part of the Bishops' Palace is yet to be seen at the back of the offices opposite Cope Street and Speed's map of 1610 shows it to have been a very large building.
4> Not much is known about the Bishop's Palace in Coventry. It must have fallen into disuse after the closure of the Priory and subsequent destruction of the Cathedral of St. Mary in January 1539. the VCH (viii, 214) quotes Hardin Craig (Two Corpus Christi Plays, 82-109) that some rehearsals for pageants were held in Bishop's Palace as well as other locations. The Palace is thought to have been enlarged to its final size in 1364 (VCH, 136). Hugh Symons, first Protestant Vicar of St. Michael's, appointed 1553, c Edwards VI; deprived of living early in reign of Mary I because he was married , so left country and did not return to St. Michael's until 1570; died 1577, leaving well-detailed will and inventory. The location of St. Michael's vicarage at this time does not seem to be recorded, but the size of some of Symons' rooms and the presence of a gatehouse with a room above suggest that his vicarage may have been the disused Palace. His inventory listed a hall, (which contained one form for seating but 18 cushions), three parlours, four chambers, study, kitchen and buttery. He had four table cloths and a cover (carpet) that were 22 feet or 6.8m long. These were only mentioned in his will, without stating their location. All the cushions in the hall without much other seating brins to mind the use of long stone benches built along the wall in monastic buildings. No indication was given in the inventory of the size of tables. There were glazed windows in six main rooms, and panelling in four, but he left these to his sons with instructions to remove them (This stipulation occurred in other wills where the testator must have installed these fittings himself). The site of the Bishop's Palace was defined in the last century as under the centre of Priory Street, now opposite the baptistery of the new Cathedral.

<1> Soden, Iain, 2005, Coventry: The Hidden History, 102-3 (TEXT). SCT1116.

<2> Austin's Monthly Magazine of Instructive and Useful Information, 1932-1939, Extracts from "Austin's Monthly Magazine" of articles written by Mr J.B. Shelton 1932 - 1938, Vol. XXXI No. 371 (--ARTICLE). SCT1615.

<3> Austin's Monthly Magazine of Instructive and Useful Information, 1932-1939, Extracts from "Austin's Monthly Magazine" of articles written by Mr J.B. Shelton 1932 - 1938, Vol.XXIX No.357 (--ARTICLE). SCT1615.

<4> 1851, Board of Health Map, CCNE (-MAP). SCT965.

<4> Shuttleworth, J. N., 1995, Letter regarding the Bishop's Palace, Coventry, 1577 (-CORRESPONDENCE). SCT2085.

Sources and Further Reading

<1>SCT1116 TEXT: Soden, Iain. 2005. Coventry: The Hidden History. 102-3.
<2>SCT1615 --ARTICLE: Austin's Monthly Magazine of Instructive and Useful Information. 1932-1939. Extracts from "Austin's Monthly Magazine" of articles written by Mr J.B. Shelton 1932 - 1938. Shelton, J.. A4 duplex. 69. Vol. XXXI No. 371.
<3>SCT1615 --ARTICLE: Austin's Monthly Magazine of Instructive and Useful Information. 1932-1939. Extracts from "Austin's Monthly Magazine" of articles written by Mr J.B. Shelton 1932 - 1938. Shelton, J.. A4 duplex. 69. Vol.XXIX No.357.
<4>SCT2085 -CORRESPONDENCE: Shuttleworth, J. N.. 1995. Letter regarding the Bishop's Palace, Coventry, 1577.
<4>SCT965 -MAP: 1851. Board of Health Map. CCNE.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

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