The material provided on this website is for the general public use but is only updated periodically. Archaeological contractors should continue to contact the Historc Environment Record directly for up to date information, events records and accurate locations.
Scheduled Ancient Monument (and also Grade I Listed Building; HBSMR 12249).
Statutory List: 'Limestone faced reddish sandstone. C14 oblong keep with semi-circular towers at angles. C14 barbican, curtain walls. C16 hall with remains of 8 light transomed mullions. Chapel with undercroft. Remains of minor adjuncts, kitchens etc on opposite side of upper bailey.' Castle visited by Elizabeth I, inhabited until 1750 when destroyed by fire".
C14 oblong keep with semi-circular towers and Triple Gatehouse built of limestone with reddish sandstone detailing. Castle was inhabited until 1750 when destroyed by fire. There have been C20 excavations on the site. The Castle is also in the Castle Hill Conservation Area.
Statutory List: 'Limestone faced reddish sandstone. C14 oblong keep with semi-circular towers at angles. C14 barbican, curtain walls. C16 hall with remains of 8 light transomed mullions. Chapel with undercroft. Remains of minor adjuncts, kitchens etc on opposite side of upper bailey.' Castle visited by Elizabeth I, inhabited until 1750 when destroyed by fire. <1>
Interim Reports; Peter Boland et al 1983, 1985. <2 > <3>
Excavation of parts of the castle from 1983-1989 by Dudley Castle Archaeological Project. Published in West Midlands Archaeology <4> <5> <6>
Excavation of parts of the castle from 1989 till 1991 by The Friends of the Castle.<7>
Excavation of part of the castle in 1993 by BUFAU. Published in West Midlands Archaeology <8> <9>
Excavation of part of the castle by Marches Archaeology in 2003, Site Report. <10>
Articles on: Condoms <11>
Horse flesh <12>
Small Find <13>
glass <12>
Civil War Siege <14>
Photograph <15>
Articles in Ramparts (Friends of the Castle Magazine) 1996- <16>
Animals, Economy and Status: Intergrating Zooarchaeological and Historical Data in the Study of Dudley Castle, West Midlands (c.1100-1750) <17>
Application to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport to put a gate on the Triple Gateway dated 13th August 2007. Letter From DCMS in site file.
October 2014 Benchmark Archaeology undertook an Archaeological Watching Brief at Dudley Castle. No features or deposits of archaeological significance were recorded and no pre-modern finds were recovered. <21>
[1] | SDD1063 - List (DoE): The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission.. The Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. |
[2] | SDD1075 - Bibliographic reference: Nikolaus Pevsner. 1968. Buildings of England; Staffordshire.. |
[2] | SDD1186 - Bibliographic reference: Pete Boland. 1983. Dudley Castle Archaeological Project. General Report No. 1. 1983. |
[3] | SDD1187 - Bibliographic reference: Pete Boland et al. 1985. Dudley Castle Archaeological Project: An Introduction and Summary of Excavations, 1983-1985. 1985. |
[4] | SDD1262 - Bibliographic reference: Martin Locock. 1988. Dudley Castle Archaeological Project 1988. |
[5] | SDD615 - Bibliographic reference: Steve Linnane. 1989. Dudley Castle Archaeology Project,1989.. |
[6] | SDD1177 - Serial: CBA West Midlands. 1991. West Midlands Archaeology, 1991.. Vol. 34. Linnane, S. J. pp89-92.. |
[7] | SDD1267 - Bibliographic reference: Steve Linnane. 1991. Dudley Castle Archaeological Project, 1991.. 34. |
[7] | SDD1277 - Bibliographic reference: Catherine Mould. 1994. Dudley Castle (SO 947907), 1993.. 37. |
[8] | SDD1338 - Serial: Catherine Mould. 1994. West Midlands Archaeology: Castle,1994. 37. |
[9] | SDD1175 - Serial: CBA West Midlands. 1994. West Midlands Archaeology, Hansons, 1994.. Vol. 37. Mould, C. pp105-108. |
[10] | SDD1405 - Monograph: Nick Taverner. 2003. Dudley Castle Zoo, Dudley, West Midlands:Report on an Archaeological Evaluation. |
[11] | SDD1256 - Bibliographic reference: Richard Thomas & Martin Locock. 2000. Food for the Dogs? The Consumption of Horseflesh at Dudley Castle in the Eighteenth Century.. 5. |
[11] | SDD1286 - Bibliographic reference: David Gaimster et al. 1996. The archaeology of private life: the Dudley Castle condoms.. 30,pp129-142.. |
[12] | SDD1269 - Bibliographic reference: Steve Linnane. 1991. A Note on some Excavated Window Glass.. 34. |
[13] | SDD1263 - Bibliographic reference: Martin Locock. 1988. Dudley Castle, a recently conserved small find, 1988.. |
[14] | SDD1282 - Bibliographic reference: John Hemingway & David Stevens. 1988. The Last Siege of Dudley Castle. |
[15] | SDD1080 - Photograph: Martin Locock. 1988. Dudley Castle, Castle Hill, Dudley.. Photograph (1983). |
[16] | SDD1185 - Serial: Davies, DT & Linnane, SJ (eds). 1996. Ramparts: The Magazine of "The Friends of Dudley Castle".. Vol. 7: 1st Edn.. 1996. |
[17] | SDD1434 - Monograph: Richard Thomas. 2005. Animals, Economy and Status: Integrating Zooarchaeological and Historical Data in the Study of Dudley Castle, West Midlands (c.1100 - 1750). |
[18] | SDD1560 - Bibliographic reference: Pete Boland, Colin Johnson. 1995. Archaeology as Computer Visualisation - " Virtual Tours" of Dudley Castle C.1550.. |
[19] | SDD1498 - Bibliographic reference: John Hemingway. 2006. An Illustrated Chronicle of The Castle and Barony of Dudley 1070-1787.. |
[20] | SDD1609 - Bibliographic reference: Richard Thomas. 2002. Of books and bones: the intergration of historical and zooarchaeological evidence in the study of a medieval castle.. |
[21] | SDD1665 - Verbal communication: DMBC: Historic Environment Section. Aug 2011 -. General - Verbal Communications. Jayne Pilkington. |