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Name:Boarzell, Bodiam : Medieval moated homestead
HER Ref:MES2465
Type of record:Monument




Late C13 or early C14.moated house. Building evaluation excvation was undertaken at Great Borzell by Rape of Hastings Architectural Survey in 1984.

Grid Reference:TQ 7167 2849
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • CURTAIN WALL (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • JETTIED HOUSE (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)


(TQ 71662849) Boarzell, a mid 15th c moated house, which, according to documentary evidence, was demolished and levelled in 1860. Excavations under the direction of Mr R Dumbreck in 1971-2, which are to be continued, revealed ashlar facing to the inner lip of the moat, and medieval pottery and glass. A report will be forwarded to Lewes Museum. (1)
The site of Boarzell is indicated by a low amorphous platform c 40.0m square, surrounded by marshy ground. Excavation trenches are still exposed. A plan dated 1849 in Lewes Record Office shows the house in the SE corner of the moated area. (2)
Site of a moated house dated by excavated finds to late C13 or early C14. The monument concists of a rectangular moat which contained a house and other buildings. The buildings were demolished and the moat filled in in 1859. [3]
The site of a Medieval historic building at Boarzell, Bodiam. For more information on this building please see: http://www.archaeologyse.co.uk/rohas/index.php. The monument and component dates only flag the earliest date for which there is evidence of their existence. To understand the duration of the monument or component the researcher is directed to the original building report. [4]
Boarzell was a mid-15th century moated house which, according to documentary evidence, was demolished and levelled in 1860. Its site is indicated by a low amorphous platform surrounded by marshy ground. A plan dated 1849 in Lewes Record Office shows this house in the south-east corner of the moated area. Excavations, undertaken by Boarzell school in the early 1970's, revealed ashlar facing to the inner lip of the moat. [5]


<1>Correspondence: 1952. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigators Comment. Oral evidence, Mr R Dumbreck, Boarzell School.
<2>Correspondence: 1952. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigators Comment. F1 PAS 08-JAN-73.
<2>Article in serial: Article in serial. Plan 1849 (26.6' - 1 mile) Lewes Record Office.
<3>List: National Heritage List for England. English Heritage Schedule Entry 14/03/1997.
<4>Report: 1960-present. Rape of Hastings Architectural Survey. RoHAS No 864 (1984) D. Martin.
<5>Report: Dr. A. G. Woodcock. 1980. East Sussex - Its Archaeological Heritage: Medieval Moated Sites. (9) Bodiam.

Associated Events

  • Field observation on TQ 72 NW 11
  • OLD BOARZELL (Ref: EI 648)
  • Ticehurst, Great Boarzell: Building Survey
  • Great Boarzell, Ticehurst : Historic Building Recording (Ref: 864)
  • Medieval Moated Sites, East Sussex : Archaeological Survey

Associated Monuments - none recorded

Associated Finds - none recorded