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HER Number:1009
Type of record:Building


Church of St Andrew, Church Lane

Grid Reference:TA 500 415
Map Sheet:TA54SW
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • ANGLICAN CHURCH (MED:C12/PM:C18, Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1799 AD)

Protected Status

  • Listed Building (II*) 1346882: CHURCH OF ST ANDREW

Associated Finds - None

Associated Events

  • Photographs taken during repairs to church
  • Warren Single Field Turbine, Horkstow - Desk Based Assessment
  • Desk-based asessment, land at Bonby

Full description

BONBY CHURCH LANE HUMBERSIDE GLANFORD 2364 TA 01 NW (north side) 2/7 Church of Saint Andrew 6/11/67 - II* Parish church. C12 nave with C13 and C15 windows, C13 blocked north arcade and chancel arch, tower of 1710, C18 chancel. South door blocked, porch demolished and west door inserted first half C19. Restorations of 1894 by C H Fowler of Durham included new chancel windows, removal of nave gallery, exposure of arcade, re-roofing. Tower of red brick in Flemish bond on limestone base with sandstone ashlar dressings to door; nave of chalk rubble and squared blocks with brick gables, eaves cornice and facing to lower section of north and south walls (in English bond to south), limestone and ironstone ashlar dressings; chancel of brick, partly rendered to north and east. Pantile roofs throughout. West tower, 4-bay nave and 2-bay chancel organ chamber/vestry adjoining north side. 2-stage tower: moulded plinth, round-arched chamfered doorway with raised key and impost blocks; round- headed ashlar west window with raised key, timber cross mullion and leaded lights. Moulded string-course, stepped-in top stage with pairs of small round-headed belfry openings. Stepped and dentilled brick bands, rendered frieze and stepped and cogged brick eaves cornice. Low pyramidal roof with iron finial. Nave: chamfered plinth, quoins. South side has blocked round- arched brick doorway, 2 small lancets (one with restored head), pointed 2- light Y-traceried window with hood-mould. North side has 3 blocked pointed arcade arches with blocked inserted ogee-headed chamfered doorway flanked by square-headed 3-light windows with Perpendicular tracery and hood-moulds. Chancel: C19 plinth, square-headed 3-light traceried south window, pointed 3-light traceried east window. Stepped and dentilled brick eaves cornice to nave and chancel; tumbled-in brick to nave west gable. Interior. Blocked round-arched ashlar south doorway; blocked segmental-pointed north doorway. 3 1/2 bays of blocked 4-bay north arcade: pointed double-chamfered arches on central cylindrical pier flanked by octagonal piers and octagonal west respond with plain moulded capitals. Piers bear traces of painted coursed masonry. Remains of chancel arch: octagonal south respond in situ with plain moulded capital; section of double-chamfered arch and former north respond re-set as opening to organ chamber at east end of nave. C19 pointed double-chamfered arch to organ chamber on north side of chancel with re-used east respond from former nave arcade. Font with C12-C13 chamfered square bowl on later base. N Pevsner and J Harris, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, 1978, 194; drawing by C Nattes, 1796, Banks Collection, Lincoln City Library.
Listing NGR: TA0037215518 [1]

St. Andrew's Church, Norman, 13th cent., 18th cent. brick tower and chancel (Pevsner 1964, 199). [2]

A photograph of the church, taken in the early 1980s and published in a booklet produced by Glanford Borough Council [3]

50 digital images, taken while internal and external render was renewed in 2002. [4]

Building noted in a list made by Rex Russell in 1986 on the structures with chalk as a building material [5]

Grimsby Evening Telegraph, 1950-1970, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS4442.

John Wood, 1986, A Gazetteer of Norman Architecture (GAZETTEER). SLS5102.

<1> English Heritage/NMR, 2005, Listed building system data in MIDAS XML format, 165909 (COMPUTER DISK/TAPE). SLS2963.

<2> Loughlin, N and Miller, KR, 1979, A Survey of Archaeological Sites in Humberside, 187 (BOOK). SLS523.

<3> Glanford Borough Council, 1985, List of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. Parishes of Bonby, Elsham, Horkstow, Saxby-All-Saints, South Ferriby, Worlaby, Wrawby (BOOK). SLS4483.

<4> Sue Beasley, 2002, Repairs to St Andrew's Bonby (PHOTOGRAPH - DIGITAL). SLS4888.

<5> R.C. & E. Russell, 1986, Chalk used for building in South Humberside (LIST). SLS4968.

Sources and further reading

---AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: Grimsby Evening Telegraph. 1950-1970. TA003 154.
---GAZETTEER: John Wood. 1986. A Gazetteer of Norman Architecture. A4 papers.
<1>COMPUTER DISK/TAPE: English Heritage/NMR. 2005. Listed building system data in MIDAS XML format. CD. 165909.
<2>BOOK: Loughlin, N and Miller, KR. 1979. A Survey of Archaeological Sites in Humberside. A4 Bound. 187.
<3>BOOK: Glanford Borough Council. 1985. List of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. Parishes of Bonby, Elsham, Horkstow, Saxby-All-Saints, South Ferriby, Worlaby, Wrawby. Softback. A4 Bound.
<4>PHOTOGRAPH - DIGITAL: Sue Beasley. 2002. Repairs to St Andrew's Bonby.
<5>LIST: R.C. & E. Russell. 1986. Chalk used for building in South Humberside.

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