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North Lincolnshire HER
HER Number: | 10729 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Enclosures and ring ditch (cropmark), north of Mere Lane
Monument Types
- RING DITCH (PU, Unknown date)
Protected Status - None
Associated Finds - None
Associated Events
- Desk based assessment, 4KG Keadby - Grimsby overhead transmission line refurbishment, 2000/2001 (Ref: NGC 2000)
- Keith Miller AP transcription
- Aerial photographic sortie
- Warren Single Field Turbine, Horkstow - Desk Based Assessment
- Aerial photographic sortie
- Aerial photographic sortie
- Aerial photographic sortie
Full description
'.. towards the top of the ridge, are a number of discontinuous linear features, irregular in plan but following a predominantly east-west alignment, consisting of two or perhaps three main linear ditches. At the western end the southernmost linear ditch forms a curving corner before extending to the north. Here this section is cut by a linear feature aligned west-east. Adjoining the southern edge of this latter feature the SMR (HAP SMR 10729) records three sides of a double-ditched circular feature, approximately 45 m and 60 m in diameter. Marginally to the north of this feature is a group of short (<30 m) linear features and to the northeast, centred at SE93772064, is a possible enclosure feature, c. 25 x 35 m, with its northeastern corner missing. It is aligned north-northwest to south-southeast, with linear ditches extending for up to 30 m on this alignment from the centres of its northern and southern sides, although not actually connected. Further ditches extend to the southwest of the central group of crop marks for up to 400 m' (aerial photographs SE9320/1/30-2/31 (DNR R46 (29.7.72)) NMRC Air Photos, Swindon; RCHME AP transcription SE92SW, Lincolnshire Survey NMP; HAP SMR Record Sheet SE92SW AP transcription; HAP SMR 10729). [1]
Desk-based assessment gazetteer entry. [2]
Aerial photographs. [3 - 5]
The cropmarks are visible on an aerial photograph taken in 2001 [6]
National Monuments Record, 2001, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS5228.
<1> Van de Noort, R and Ellis, S (Eds), 1998, Wetland Heritage of the Ancholme and Lower Trent Valleys, 187 (REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC). SLS1210.
<2> 2000, South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment, Appendix B (DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT). SLS3606.
<3> CUAC, 1974, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1273.
<4> DN Riley, 1972, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1287.
<5> DN Riley, 1972, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1286.
<6> Humberside Archaeological Unit, 1995, HAU Excavation Index (INDEX). SLS2945.
Sources and further reading
--- | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: National Monuments Record. 2001. 24 July 2001. SE 9353 2048. |
<1> | REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC: Van de Noort, R and Ellis, S (Eds). 1998. Wetland Heritage of the Ancholme and Lower Trent Valleys. 187. |
<2> | DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT: 2000. South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment. August 2000. Bound A4 report. Appendix B. |
<3> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: CUAC. 1974. BQU 97. 24 July 1974. SE93502060. |
<4> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1972. SE9320/2. 29 July 1972. SE93202050. |
<5> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1972. SE9320/1. 27 July 1972. SE93302040. |
<6> | INDEX: Humberside Archaeological Unit. 1995. HAU Excavation Index. |
Related records
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