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North Lincolnshire HER
HER Number: | 17636 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Romano British pottery and building stone were found during fieldwalking in 1981. Aerial photographs show a cropmark complex lying to the east of the Roman Ermine Street alignment. Features visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs were digitally plotted during the Inner Humber NMP project.
Monument Types
- BUILDING (RO, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- OCCUPATION SITE (RO, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status - None
Associated Finds
- COIN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- TILE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Associated Events
- RB OCCUPATION, `DOW 2149' (FW) (Ref: WGM 81)
- Aerial photographic sortie, 1973
- Aerial photographic sortie, 1973
- Geophysical Survey at Eastfield Farm ,Winteringham, North Lincolnshire, 1996 (Ref: survey number 96/111)
- Geophysics at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincs. 2001 (Ref: WINA01)
- Fieldwalking south of the A1077, Eastfield Farm , 1981 (Ref: WGM 81)
- Cropmark assessment and transcription
- Warren Single Field Turbine, Horkstow - Desk Based Assessment
- Inner Humber Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey NMP
Full description
Aerial photographs show the line of Ermine Street diverging from the modern line of the A1077, taking a more diect route north-eastwards towards the Roman settlement at Old Winteringham. A complex series of rectangular enclosures, probably representing a roadside settlement, are visible on the eastern side of the road. [1 - 16]
The field to the south of the A1077, opposite Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, was fieldwalked on three occasions in 1981 and 1982. It was linewalked before and after ploughing in 1981, when Roman pottery and building stone was found in the north-western corner of the field. A plough-disturbed area of 'very large stones' was noted in approximate area SE94372101. The following year, a 10m grid walk concentrating on this northern section produced freshly broken Roman pottery and further building stone. The line of Ermine Street through the field was said to be visible as a light soilmark. [17]
A rectangular sample area in the field to the south of the A1077 was subjected to geophysical survey in 1996, targeting the known area of cropmarks. This was in connection with a proposal to quarry sand. The survey in Area '1A' detected linear magnetic anomalies of archaeological origin. [18]
The cropmarks of the Ermine Street alignment and associated rectangular enclosures were rectified and transcribed in 1999. [19]
An archaeological evaluation south of the A1077 was carried out by Lindsey Archaeological Services in 1998, in connection with proposed sand quarrying. 8 trenches were dug, 3 in the western area of the dense cropmarks and geophysical anomalies.
Two possible postholes were recorded in Trench 1, one of which contained two sherds of Iron Age/Romano-British pottery. Other features were modern, or of natural origin.
Trench 2 contained only modern disturbance.
Trench 3 contained a possible pit, and one north-south ditch that may have been related to a cropmark feature. [20]
Pre-Construct Geophysics carried out a 2-hectare geophysical survey, south of the A1077, in 2001. The survey detected many magnetic anomalies associated with the Roman archaeology, corresponding to features visible in aerial photographs.
The most conspicuous anomalies were linear, and on a NNE-SSW alignment. They were interpreted as the ditches defining the edges of Ermine Street Roman road, an arterial highway constructed shortly after the Conquest. The survey appeared to indicate that the boundaries were redefined on at least one occasion. A broad, uniform band of magnetic variation mirrored the course of these ditches, but was located about 16m to the south. If this was road metalling, then it raises the possibility of an earlier alignment, pre-dating the linear ditches.
Two other road alignments appeared to branch from the northern side of the road. They were parallel, and both on a north-south alignment. They may have been successive alignments of the same route. The position of one of these side roads corresponds with the modern lane that runs from the A1077 to Winteringham, named as Ermine Street on current OS maps. Projecting this alignment towards the estuary gives a direct route to Winteringham Haven, a probable Romano-British landing place.
The position of this road junction also implied that the Romano-British cemetery (MLS20324) could extend to the south of the present A1077 and into this field, assuming that it occupied land defined by the angle of these two roads.
A series of rectilinear enclosures were also detected by the survey, running along the south-eastern edge of the old Ermine Street alignment. There were at least four enclosures, each with an internal area of c. 1300 square metres.They were not aligned perpendicular to the road, perhaps suggesting that they were created at a different date.
A curvilinear anomaly in area SE94362093 appeared to be cut by both Ermine Street an the enclosures. It may have been the earliest feature detected by the survey, possibly Late Iron Age. [21]
Desk-based assessment gazetteer entry. [22]
Features visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs were digitally plotted during the Inner Humber NMP project [23-25]
Humberside Archaeological Unit, 1995, HAU Excavation Index (INDEX). SLS2945.
McDaid, M., 1998, Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincolnshire (REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC). SLS3573.
<1> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3152.
<2> Uncertain, Not known, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3085.
<3> NMR, 1976, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3107.
<4> NMR, 1976, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3108.
<5> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3109.
<6> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3148.
<7> DN Riley, 1974, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3149.
<8> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3151.
<9> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3153.
<10> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3154.
<11> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3155.
<12> DN Riley, 1971, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3156.
<13> DN Riley, 1971, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3165.
<14> Uncertain, Unknown, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3167.
<15> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3168.
<16> DN Riley, 1973, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS3150.
<17> Humberside Archaeology Unit, 1984-1998, HAU Fieldwork Record Sheet, WGM 81, WGM 81 CW (RECORD SHEET/FORM). SLS2708.
<18> Gater, J., 1996, Report on Geophysical Survey: Eastfield Farm, Winteringham (REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC). SLS3571.
<19> M. Hemblade, 1999, Cropmark plot, OS Parcel 2149 (PLOT - COMPUTER-GENERATED). SLS1045.
<20> McDaid, M., 1998, Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincolnshire, 1, 3-5, Figs 2-4 (REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC). SLS3573.
<21> Bunn, D., 2001, Fluxgate Gradiometer Survey: Land at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincolnshire, 4, 9 - 11, Fig 8 (REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC). SLS3572.
<22> 2000, South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment, Appendix B (DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT). SLS3606.
<23> DN Riley, 29-JUN-76, DNR 868/24 (SE 9421/117) (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS7794.
<24> DN Riley, 19-JUL-71, DNR 349/7A (SE 9421/13) (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS7799.
<25> DN Riley, 19-JUL-71, DNR 349/13A (SE 9421/15) (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS7800.
Sources and further reading
--- | INDEX: Humberside Archaeological Unit. 1995. HAU Excavation Index. |
--- | REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC: McDaid, M.. 1998. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincolnshire. December 1998. Bound A4 report. |
<1> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/20. 23 June 1973. SE943 210. |
<2> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: Uncertain. Not known. None. SE942 207. |
<3> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: NMR. 1976. SE9420/10. 29 June 1976. SE943 205. |
<4> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: NMR. 1976. SE9420/12. 29 June 1976. SE943 209. |
<5> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/22. 26 June 1973. SE942 210. |
<6> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/24. 26 June 1973. SE942 208. |
<7> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1974. SE9421/47. 15 June 1974. SE943 209. |
<8> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/17. 23 June 1973. SE943 210. |
<9> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/21. 23 June 1973. SE943 210. |
<10> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/25. 23 June 1973. SE943 210. |
<11> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/26. 23 June 1973. SE943 210. |
<12> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1971. SE9421/121. 19 July 1971. SE943 210. |
<13> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1971. SE9421/11. 19 July 1971. SE944 211. |
<14> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: Uncertain. Unknown. SE941 206. |
<15> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9421/18. 23 June 1973. SE942 210. |
<16> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1973. SE9420/2. 26 August 1973. SE943 209. |
<17> | RECORD SHEET/FORM: Humberside Archaeology Unit. 1984-1998. HAU Fieldwork Record Sheet. WGM 81, WGM 81 CW. |
<18> | REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC: Gater, J.. 1996. Report on Geophysical Survey: Eastfield Farm, Winteringham. December 1996. Bound A4 report. |
<19> | PLOT - COMPUTER-GENERATED: M. Hemblade. 1999. Cropmark plot, OS Parcel 2149. C:\Test\SE9420_14C.MAP. 24 February 1999. 3.97m. |
<20> | REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC: McDaid, M.. 1998. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincolnshire. December 1998. Bound A4 report. 1, 3-5, Figs 2-4. |
<21> | REPORT - INTERIM, RESEARCH, SPECIALIST, ETC: Bunn, D.. 2001. Fluxgate Gradiometer Survey: Land at Eastfield Farm, Winteringham, North Lincolnshire. April 2001. Bound A4 report. 4, 9 - 11, Fig 8. |
<22> | DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT: 2000. South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment. August 2000. Bound A4 report. Appendix B. |
<23> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 29-JUN-76. DNR 868/24 (SE 9421/117). |
<24> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 19-JUL-71. DNR 349/7A (SE 9421/13). |
<25> | AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 19-JUL-71. DNR 349/13A (SE 9421/15). |
Related records
100 | Related to: ERMINE STREET (Monument) |
20324 | Related to: ROMANO-BRITISH CEMETERY, EASTFIELD FARM (Monument) |
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