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HER Number:17649
Type of record:Monument


Fieldwalking in 1981 produced evidence of Romano British occupation, within the scheduled area of Old Winteringham (OS 8238 & 9552)

Grid Reference:SE 948 214
Map Sheet:SE92SW
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • BUILDING? (RO, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • OCCUPATION SITE (RO, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Protected Status - None

Associated Finds

  • BONE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • SLAG (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Events

  • RB OCCUPATION, OS 8238 & 9552 (FW) (Ref: WGM 81)
  • Warren Single Field Turbine, Horkstow - Desk Based Assessment

Full description

Sections of two fields lying within the scheduled area of Old Winteringham were fieldwalked in early 1982. A 5m grid was laid out, and the fields were walked intensively. After 3 months of surface weathering, surface finds were highly visible.

The main area walked, designated 'FW', measured 105m x 115m, centred to SE94812145. The cropmark of a double-ditched road, on a NE-SW alignment, was known to pass through this area. 2,147 sherds of Romano-British pottery were collected. A dot-density plan was later drawn that showed the distribution of pottery. It indicated a strong concentration in area SE94782147 that might indicate a building. Much brick & tile and some iron slag was also collected, although there is no indication in the archive as to the date of this material,

A smaller area, designated 'DW', was laid out next to the north-eastern corner of 'FW'. It measured 50m x 35m, and was meant to follow the concentration of pottery associated with the road alignment. This was only partially successful, as fieldwalking was abandoned after the field was seeded. 206 sherds of Romano-British pottery were collected here. [1, 2]

Desk-based assessment gazetteer entry. [3]

<1> Humberside Archaeological Unit, 1995, HAU Excavation Index, WGM 81 (INDEX). SLS2945.

<2> 1981, Fieldwork record sheets, fields 'FW' and 'DW' (RECORD SHEET/FORM). SLS4342.

<3> 2000, South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment, Appendix B (DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT). SLS3606.

Sources and further reading

<1>INDEX: Humberside Archaeological Unit. 1995. HAU Excavation Index. WGM 81.
<2>RECORD SHEET/FORM: 1981. Fieldwork record sheets, fields 'FW' and 'DW'. 7th February 1981. A4 record sheets.
<3>DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT: 2000. South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment. August 2000. Bound A4 report. Appendix B.

Related records

2068Part of: OLD WINTERINGHAM (Monument)