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HER Number:7717
Type of record:Monument


Roman villa & possible Iron Age enclosures (cropmark)

Grid Reference:SE 494 417
Map Sheet:SE44SE
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE (PRE:IA/RO, Early Iron Age to Roman - 800 BC to 409 AD)
  • VILLA? (PRE:IA/RO, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Protected Status - None

Associated Finds - None

Associated Events

  • Aerial Photographic transcription - sketch plots
  • Warren Single Field Turbine, Horkstow - Desk Based Assessment
  • Aerial photographic sortie, 1962
  • Aerial photographic sortie
  • Aerial photographic sortie
  • Aerial photographic sortie
  • Aerial photographic sortie
  • Aerial photographic assessment and transcription

Full description

Aerial photographs show the cropmarks of a Roman villa site on the west side of Ermine Street. Probable Iron Age enclosures on the same site. [1-12]

Romano-British sherds reported from SE94531757. [13]

'On the western side of the (Ancholme) valley, around Appleby, Ermine Street runs across the edge of the floodplain, with a number of associated settlements visible.' [14]

SE97740198. Cropmarks lying across Ermine Street may represent the site of a Roman villa and its boundary enclosure. Possible Iron Age enclosures are also visible. Sources : RCHME No SE 9417/11/47 DNR SF2368 ; CUAC AGC 37, 38 ; R1 KJD 12-NOV-96 ; Loughlin & Miller 1979, 211 ; Scott, E, 1999, A gazetteer of Roman Villas in England, 99. [15]

Desk-based assessment gazetteer entry. [16]

<1> CUAC, 1962, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1069.

<2> CUAC, 1962, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1068.

<3> DN Riley, 1978, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1067.

<4> E. Dennison, 1990, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1062.

<5> E. Dennison, 1990, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1061.

<6> DN Riley, 1984, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1056.

<7> DN Riley, 1984, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1055.

<8> DN Riley, 1984, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1054.

<9> DN Riley, 1984, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1053.

<10> DN Riley, 1984, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1052.

<11> DN Riley, 1984, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1051.

<12> Humber SMR, 1985 - 1998, SMR Record Sheet, 7717 Ref. 1 (RECORD SHEET/FORM). SLS527.

<13> Humber SMR, 1985 - 1998, SMR Record Sheet, 7717 Ref 5 (RECORD SHEET/FORM). SLS527.

<14> Van de Noort, R and Ellis, S (Eds), 1998, Wetland Heritage of the Ancholme and Lower Trent Valleys, 254, Fig 11.4 (MONOGRAPH - BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, COLLECTED WORKS). SLS1210.

<15> National Record of the Historic Environment, Ordnance Survey/NAR/NMR/NRHE Records, SE91NW 73 (COLLECTION / PARENT). SLS1263.

<16> 2000, South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment, Appendix B (DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT). SLS3606.

Sources and further reading

<1>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: CUAC. 1962. AGC 38. 13 July 1962. SE94301740.
<2>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: CUAC. 1962. AGC 37. 13 July 1962. SE94301740.
<3>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1978. SE9417/14. 28 June 1978. SE94401750.
<4>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: E. Dennison. 1990. 90/7/16. 18 July 1990. SE94404750.
<5>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: E. Dennison. 1990. 90/7/15. 18 July 1990. SE94401750.
<6>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1984. SE9417/6. 24 July 1984. SE94601750.
<7>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1984. SE9417/8. 24 July 1984. SE94401740.
<8>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1984. SE9417/7. 24 July 1984. SE94401750.
<9>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1984. SE9417/10. 24 July 1984. SE94501740.
<10>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1984. SE9417/9. 24 July 1984. SE94501740.
<11>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: DN Riley. 1984. SE9417/11. 25 July 1984. SE94501750.
<12>RECORD SHEET/FORM: Humber SMR. 1985 - 1998. SMR Record Sheet. 7717 Ref. 1.
<13>RECORD SHEET/FORM: Humber SMR. 1985 - 1998. SMR Record Sheet. 7717 Ref 5.
<14>MONOGRAPH - BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, COLLECTED WORKS: Van de Noort, R and Ellis, S (Eds). 1998. Wetland Heritage of the Ancholme and Lower Trent Valleys. 1998. Hardback A4. 254, Fig 11.4.
<15>COLLECTION / PARENT: National Record of the Historic Environment. Ordnance Survey/NAR/NMR/NRHE Records. SE91NW 73.
<16>DESK BASED ASSESSMENT REPORT: 2000. South Ferriby Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: Archaeological Desk-based Assessment. August 2000. Bound A4 report. Appendix B.

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