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Record Details

HER Number:00216
Type of record:Monument
Name:Castle Hill Motte and Bailey / Audley Castle


The scheduled remains of a medieval motte and bailey, comprising of a low lying mound over looking the road from Newcastle at Audley. This was probably the site of the castle of the Audley family prior to them moving to Heighley in the early 13th century.

Grid Reference:SJ 7994 5111
Map Sheet:SJ75SE
Parish:Audley Rural, Newcastle Under Lyme Borough
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Type(s):

Associated Finds:

  • COIN (MEDIEVAL - 1307 AD to 1327 AD)

Associated Events:

  • EST301 - Un-named event/activity
  • EST468 - Un-named event/activity
  • EST477 - Un-named event/activity
  • EST54 - An archaeological excavation at Castle Hill Motte, Audley in 1911. (NRHE Name - Castle Hill)
  • EST2234 - A contour and resistivity survey of Audley Castle mound.
  • EST2596 - Aerial photographic mapping of the Kidsgrove and Talke area as part of the Staffordshire Western Areas National Mapping Project. (Ref: 1587560 / 102/2015)

Protected Status:

  • Scheduled Monument 1011071: Castle Hill motte

Full description

Motte and Bailey: A fairly low lying mound stands on the southern edge of a high ridge that forms a commanding position over road from Newcastle as it enters the village of Audley. The mound thus stands about 9 metres above the road and is circa 2.4 metres high and 12 metres wide. It is surrounded by a broad shallow ditch around its circumference with the exception of the north-west part of the motte where the ground falls gradually and unevenly away. There is an expanse of natural plateau to the north of the motte which falls steeply away after about 90 metres. This was undoubtedly used as a bailey. This site was possibly the 13th century castle of the Audley’s prior to them moving to Heighley. In 1911 excavation revealed a long wall, other lengths of masonry, 14th century pottery and a coin of Edward II. <1> <2> <3>

References to Audley castle in documents of 1272-5 suggest that site may not have been abandoned immediately on the construction of Heighley. The mound has no obvious features on it. It is unclear if there was bailey, and if there was one how extensive it was. There is a level area to the north of the motte with traces of a ditch on east and north sides. All or part of any bailey may have been here. However, the area to the south of the motte has been disturbed by modern development and the road which is probably modern. So it is not possible to say if a bailey extended to the south. <4>

"Roman pottery and coins founds at Castle Hill, Audley." by A.S shown to a meeting of the Field Club 26th March 1914. This is an error: the report published in 1914 makes no mention of this find. In fact all the finds were of Medieval date, including the coin and probably some confusion has arisen. (RH, 28-June-2016) <5>

Plateau site circa 30 ft in summit diameter, surrounded by a broad ditch on the eastern half of its
circumference and steep slopes round the remainder of the perimeter. Excavation in 1914 revealed a wall and a channel of thin slabs, loose masonry, an oak post, fragments of 15th, 17th and 18th century pottery, and a coin of Edward I or II and one of George III. These finds and possibly some documentary evidence suggest that Castle Hill may be an early Norman motte, possibly the predecessor of Heighley Castle (SB, 24-Jun-2019) <6>

Castle Hill is a low flat-topped motte measuring 55.0 metres in diameter at the base, 40.0 metres across the summit and from 4.0 metres in height on the west decreasing to 2.0 metres on the east. The ditch, reduced and spread by ploughing, encircling the motte on the north and east, is from 5.0 metres to 10.0 metres in width and averages 0.5 metres in depth. The site is now a public open space. No building remains are visible. (SB, 24-Jun-2019) <7>

Roman coins and pottery are recorded to have been found at Castle Hill and exhibited by A Scrivener. (SB, 24-Jun-2019) <8>

The motte is hedged around its edge and the interior is used as a public open space. Access is from the south by a set of concrete steps. The earthworks were surveyed at 1:1000 scale by RCHME and plans and a descriptive text are held in the National Monuments Record. (SB, 24-Jun-2019) <9>

The medieval motte mound and partial surrounding ditch are also visible as earthworks on aerial photographs from the 1940s and 1950s, centred at SJ 7993 5103. The earthworks are still extant. (SB, 24-Jun-2019) <10>

Medieval ridge and furrow earthworks are visible on aerial photography from the 1940s in the area to the north of the motte. More recent aerial photography does, however, suggest that the ridge and furrow has been levelled. (SB, 24-Jun-2019) <11>

Narrow, post medieval ridge and furrow earthworks are also visible on aerial photography from the 1940s in the area to the north of the motte. More recent aerial photography does, however, suggest that these earthwork have also been levelled. (SB, 24-Jan-2019) <12>

Sources and further reading

<1>SST3723 - Designation Record: Department for Culture Media and Sport / English Heritage. Ongoing-2016. Scheduled Monument Designation Documents, Scheduled Monument Consents and Section 17 Management Agreements. A.M. 7 (R.A. Hartley, 1973) / A.M. 12 (C.A. Snowdon, 1980) and A.M. 107 (C.A. Snowdon, 1982).
<2>XYSST390 - Index: Ordnance Survey. See cards. Ordnance Survey Card Index. SJ 75 SE - 3 (T.N.S.F.C. Vol 49, 1915, p92-96, A Scrivener, Excavations at Castle Hill, Audley 1911). [Mapped feature: #39717 Motte Earthwork (Extent of Feature), 74623]
<3>SST2033 - Serial: University of Keele. 1964. North Staffordshire Journal of Field Studies Volume 4 (1964). An Archaeological Gazetteer of Staffordshire Part 1 by A.J.H. Gunstone, page 15, Audley Rural.
<4>SST3521 - Verbal communication: Chris Wardle (Staffordshire County Council). up to 2004. Observations by a member of the Historic Environment Team, Staffordshire County Council. 1995.
<5>SST3824 - Index: Keele University. Keele University Card Index. SJ 75/1 (Multiple sources, refer to index card).
<6>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 74623 (The North Staffordshire Field Club transactions, Vol 49, Page(s) 92-6, 1915, A. Scrivener). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<7>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 74623 (Ordnance Survey Field Investigators Comments - ASP - 09-Dec-1974). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<8>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 74623 (T.N.S.F.C. Volume 48, Page 233, 1913-1914 (Annual Meeting)). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<9>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 74623 (Robert Wilson-North / 22-DEC-1985 / RCHME: Castle Hill, Audley). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<10>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 74623 (RAF/106G/UK/646 RS 4010 11-AUG-1945 / RAF/540/992 F22 369 20-JAN-1953 / SJ7951 19-Jul-2010). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<11>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 1594990 (RAF/CPE/UK/1935 FP 1432 17-JAN-1947 and Next Perspectives PGA Imagery SJ7951 19-JUL-2010). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<12>XYSST4930 - Digital Archive: Historic England (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2014-2015. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 2 - Western Areas - Block 3 and Block 4. 1594981 (RAF/CPE/UK/1935 FP 1432 17-JAN-1947 and Next Perspectives PGA Imagery SJ7951 19-JUL-2010). [Mapped features: #13216 Centre Point, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #30453 Extent of Feature, 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39714 74623 / 1594990 / 1594981; #39715 1594990; #39716 Ditch (Earthwork), 74623; #39718 R and F Area, 74623; #39719 R and F Area, 1594990]
<13>SST1702 - Drawn: Staffordshire County Council. Unknown. Audley Castle - Site Plan, Contour and Resistivity. Permatace. 1:100.
