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Record Details

HER Number:08730
Type of record:Building
Name:Blithfield Hall, Blithfield Park


A listed manor of late medieval origin, although now comprising largely of 16th century fabric. The house is of plastered brick construction to an earlier timber frame and has mid 18th century additions (probably by Richard Trubshaw). Blithfield Hall has been the home of the Bagot family since the late 14th century

Grid Reference:SK 0449 2394
Map Sheet:SK02SW
Parish:Blithfield, East Staffordshire Borough
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Type(s):

Associated Events:

  • EST2408 - Aerial photographic mapping of the Abbots Bromley area as part of the Staffordshire Eastern Rivers Confluence National Mapping Project. (NRHE) (Ref: 1573181)
  • EST2164 - Description and discussion of two early roofs at Blithfield Hall, Staffordshire

Protected Status:

  • Listed Building (I) 1190006: Blithfield Hall

Full description

Blithfield Hall country house is of late medieval origin. It is an irregular building entirely covered with stucco that is mainly 16th century. Additions of circa 1740 are probably by Richard Trubshaw, and of the later 18th century perhaps by Charles Cope Trubshaw. It was remodelled in 1820-40 probably by John Buckler in a Tudor Gothic style.
It is a large irregular house with a late-medieval core, although the stuccoed exterior gives a uniform and predominantly 19th century aspect to the building. In 1975 the hall was open to the public during the summer months.
The hall has been the home of the Bagot family since to the late 14th century. (SB, 18-May-2015) <1>

Sources and further reading

<1>SST598 - Digital Archive: English Heritage (Aerial Investigation and Mapping). 2013-2014. Staffordshire National Mapping Programme - Phase 1 - Eastern River Confluences - Block 1 and Block 2. 304985 (PDF Pages 35-38).
<2>SST3066 - Serial: South Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society. 1990. South Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society Transactions 1988-1989 (Volume XXX). 'Two Early Roofs at Blithfield Hall, Staffordshire and Their Significance' by R.A. Meeson, p53-63.
<3>SST270 - Published Book: Timothy Mowl and Dianne Barr. 2009. The Historic Gardens of England: Staffordshire. Page 89-93, 166, 219, plates 31-3, pages 89-93, colour plate 28 on page 160.
