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Record Details

HER Number:00833
Type of record:Monument
Name:Earthwork Enclosure, West of Loynton, Norbury


The earthwork remains of a probable medieval curvilinear enclosure, moat or motte surrounding a likely altered natural mound of oval shape are visible as earthworks to the west of Loynton (and north-east of Weston Jones), Norbury.

Grid Reference:SJ 7678 2427
Map Sheet:SJ72SE
Parish:Norbury, Stafford Borough
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Type(s):

  • ENCLOSURE (MEDIEVAL - 1066 AD to 1485 AD)
  • MOTTE? (MEDIEVAL - 1066 AD? to 1485 AD?)
  • MOUND (MEDIEVAL - 1066 AD to 1485 AD)
  • MOAT (MEDIEVAL - 1066 AD to 1485 AD)
  • BANK (EARTHWORK)? (MEDIEVAL - 1066 AD to 1485 AD)
  • DRAIN (POST MEDIEVAL - 1486 AD to 1799 AD)

Associated Events:

  • EST2229 - A survey of a flat-topped earthwork at Loynton, Weston Jones, Norbury, July 1983.
  • EST2595 - Aerial photographic mapping of the Gnosall area as part of the Staffordshire Western Areas National Mapping Project. (Ref: 1587560)

Protected Status:

    Full description

    An early burial mound or low located 1/4 mile north-east of Weston Jones. <1> <2> <9>

    The tithe map for Weston Jones shows a small oval field described as 'Castle Bank'. <3> <11>

    A large oval mound situated on low-lying ground on the flood plain of a small stream. The mound is flat-topped and measures 67 metres by 50 metres and 2.5 metres high. There are the remains of a ditch with outer bank on the north-west and south-east quadrants. There is no certain evidence for a bailey. The field name 'Castle' Bank' suggests that this may be a castle mound however the poor topographical position makes this uncertain. <4> <12>

    RAF aerial photography shows a circular ditch as a cropmark. <5> <10>

    Identified to be of medieval date. <6>

    The mound was surveyed by the Newport and District History Society in July 1983, who produced three section drawings across the large, low, flat-topped oval earthwork and the remains of its ditch and outer bank. <7>

    Mound described as a barrow measuring 60' by 50' and 8' high. Covered with rough grass and surrounded by a ditch on all sides. Some sort of excavation has taken place in the centre. Mentioned in a later topographical survey as a 'Motte'. (RH, 23-June-2016) <8>

    Probably a low motte without bailey. No change to the monument was observed upon inspection in 1974. (SB, 28-Jul-2016) <13>

    The mound in marked on the Ordnance Survey 1:10 000 map of 1970. (SB, 28-Jul-2016) <14>

    An early circular motte at Weston Jones. (SB, 28-Jul-2016) <15>

    A probable medieval curvilinear enclosure or moat surrounding a likely altered natural mound of oval shape are visible as earthworks on air photographs centred at SJ 7678 2427. The mound measures up to 66 x 47 metres and is located on the bend of a stream to the south. The probable moat with evidence of relatively modern re-cutting surrounds the remainder of the mound. An incomplete outer bank surrounds both the moat and stream. A possible L-shaped bank on the mound could be associated with the earthworks described or later activity. The earthworks were mapped as part of the Staffordshire National Mapping programme and elements are extant on the latest 2010 vertical photography. (SB, 28-Jul-2016) <16>

    Sources and further reading

    <1>SST3636 - Published Book: The Victoria History of the Counties of England. 1908. (VCH volume 1) A History of the County of Stafford, Volume I. Page 378 (C. Lynam).
    <2>SST3639 - Published Book: The Victoria History of the Counties of England. 1958. (VCH volume 4) A History of the County of Stafford, Volume IV, Staffordshire Domesday and West Cuttlestone Hundred.. Page 155.
    <3>SST390 - Index: Ordnance Survey. See cards. Ordnance Survey Card Index. SJ 72 SE - 15 (Weston Jones Tithe Map, 1844)WESTON JONES.
    <5>SST390 - Index: Ordnance Survey. See cards. Ordnance Survey Card Index. SJ 72 SE - 15 (RAF Aerial Photographs - CPE/UK/2492 Nos. 3377 & 3378).
    <6>SST2068 - Serial: University of Keele. 1965. North Staffordshire Journal of Field Studies Volume 5 (1965). 'An Archaeological Gazetteer of Staffordshire: Part 2 - The Barrows' by A.J.H. Gunstone, page 44.
    <7>SST2804 - Drawn: D. Burton (Newport and District History Society). 1983. Loynton Earthworks. paper.
    <8>SST3824 - Index: Keele University. Keele University Card Index. SJ72/7 (Victoria County History of Staffordshire: Volume I - Page 378 / Volume IV - Page 155).
    <9>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Victoria County History Staffordshire Volume I, 1908, p378 by C. Lynam).
    <10>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Aerial Photograph - RAF CPE/UK/2492/3377-8).
    <11>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Tithe Map, Weston Jones, 1844).
    <12>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Field Investigators Comments - F1 - VGB 08-AUG-58).
    <13>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Field Investigators Comments - F2 - ASP 20-SEP-74).
    <14>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Ordnance Survey - 1:10 000 - 1970).
    <15>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 (Staffordshire Archaeology Volume 1, 1972, p8 by D. M. Palliser).
    <16>SST4849 - Index: Historic England. 2016. National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) Website. Paper. 74142 ( RAF/CPE/UK/2492 RP 3378 11-MAR-1948).
