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Historic England Research Records

Monument Number 320863

Hob Uid: 320863
Location :
Grid Ref : SK6260095600
Summary : An Iron Age /Roman ditched rectilinear enclosure, a double ditched trackway, a ditch, a pit, a circular enclosure and a macula are visible as cropmarks on air photographs.
More information : (SK 626957) AP's show cropmarks comprising a strongly ditched, moat-like rectangular enclosure with a NW entrance. Within is a centrally disposed ring ditch, and a pit in the SW. Associated ditches range to the south and east. (1)

The site is located on arable land on the crest of a slight local
rise. No ditches are now apparent but close inspection was
prevented by high standing corn. (2)

It is suggested that this site may be an Iron Age Farmstead. The site consists of cropmarks of an enclosure with a ring ditch and associated field boundaries. (3)

An Iron Age /Roman ditched rectilinear enclosure, a double ditched trackway, a ditch, a pit, a circular enclosure and a macula are visible as cropmarks on air photographs, centred at SK 6257 9574.
The enclosure is sub-rectangular in form and has potential entrances on its east and south sides. The feature measures 66m by 85m and lies on a west east alignment. A narrow ditch runs alongside the east and south sides of the enclosure.
Within the enclosure, at SK 6258 9574 lies a circular enclosure. This measures 12m in diameter and is likely to be a round house.
There is also a pit in the south west corner.
Along the west side of the enclosure in the north west corner, there is a macula. It is possible that this feature is of Iron Age /Roman date but it may also be geological.
A short length of a double ditched trackway abuts the north west corner of the enclosure and runs on a west east alignment. This appears to be the continuation of a trackway recorded to the west (see SK 69 NW 32 /).

The monument is embedded within a large `brickwork' field system (see record SK 69 NW 78 / UID 1025665 and SK 69 NW 81 / UID 1355909).

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details : APs (St Joseph DC 036 & 038)
Page(s) :
Figs. :
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Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : F1 BHS 30-MAY-74
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Vol(s) :
Source Number : 3
Source :
Source details :
Page(s) : 1, 19, 20, 23, 42, 44, 54, 96
Figs. :
Plates :
Vol(s) :
Source Number : 4
Source :
Source details : NMR SK6295/11 (DNR 1544/35) 17-Jul-1979
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Vol(s) :

Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Iron Age
Display Date : Iron Age
Monument End Date : 43
Monument Start Date : -800
Monument Type : Rectilinear Enclosure, Trackway, Circular Enclosure, Pit, Ditch, Macula, Round House (Domestic)
Evidence : Cropmark
Monument Period Name : Roman
Display Date : Roman
Monument End Date : 410
Monument Start Date : 43
Monument Type : Rectilinear Enclosure, Trackway, Round House (Domestic), Circular Enclosure, Pit, Ditch, Macula
Evidence : Cropmark

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : SK 69 NW 18
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association
Associated Monuments :
Relationship type : General association

Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1974-05-30
End Date : 1974-05-30
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 2005-01-01
End Date : 2006-12-31