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Historic England Research Records

The Hopscotch

Hob Uid: 368165
Location :
North Hertfordshire
Grid Ref : TL3318539796
Summary : A rectilinear enclosure complex of probable medieval date visible as earthworks. Mostly likely stock pens, the enclosures appear to be appended to one-another in a west to east alignment, suggesting phased development. They are approached via a shallow hollow way to the north. A small building platform is located by the north entrance to the western enclosure. The features are visible on air photographs and were mapped as part of the NAIS South West Cambridgeshire project.
More information : (Centred TL 33203966) A series of small enclosures known as the Hopscotch, probably of "British origin". (1)

Probably medieval or later pennings. The enclosure consists of a low bank with outer ditch subdivided by definitely made banks, not lynchets. (2)

The Hopscotch (local name). A connected series of banked and ditched enclosures situated in a combe between Pen Hills and Church Hill on Therfield Heath. The enclosures cover an area of circa 200.0 m EW by circa 35.0 m NS.

The banks were formed by upcast from either side, and slight traces remain of some of the ditches. Mutilation by golf course features has destroyed or reduced the banks in many places and they nowhere exceed a height of 0.4 m. The remains show no trace of entrances.

It is probable that these enclosures are Medieval cattle or deer pens. Resurveyed at 1:2500. (3)

(TL 3320 3966) In November 1992, RCHME's Cambridge Office carried out an analytical earthwork survey of Therfield Heath, as a training project for new members of staff (4-5). The monument known locally as The (Devil's) Hopscotch comprises of a series of contiguous rectangular enclosures, arranged E-W in linear fashion for 200m and contained within a downland combe at 100m OD. The monument is now partially overlain by Royston Golf Course.

Individually the enclosures range in size from 20 x 20m to 60 x 35m. The banks show no trace of entrances leading from one enclosure to the next possibly suggesting that the banks were surmounted by fences. The Hopscotch is made up of several separate elements which may reflect phases in its development.

Traces of a small building and a terraced field were found to the NW of the Hopscotch and there was also some suggestion of surface quarrying for chalk or flint within one of the enclosures. The most likely explanation for the enclosures is that they represent sheep enclosures probably dating to the medieval (or possibly later) period.

For further details, see RCHME Level 3 client report and plans at 1:500 and 1:2500 scales, held in Archive. (4-8)

The rectilinear enclosure complex of probable medieval date is visible as earthworks on air photographs centred at TL 3318 3967. Mostly likely stock pens, the enclosures appear to be appended to one-another in a west to east alignment, suggesting phased development as stated in the RCHME survey of the Therfield Heath. The aerial evidence suggests the complex might have started with the western-most embanked enclosure, which measures 60m by 38m internally and is approached by a broad shallow hollow way to north. The hollow way leads straight to a probable entrance in the north face of this enclosure, and a small building platform stands adjacent to this. A further five small enclosures appear to have been appended to the east of this one, in at least three phases. The entire complex measures 196m by 44m at the widest points, and although the embanked and ditched enclosures are now much denuded they remain extant on the on the latest 2013 vertical photography.

Sources :
Source Number : 1
Source :
Source details : 1868 (J Beldham)
Page(s) : 38
Figs. :
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Vol(s) : 25
Source Number : 2
Source :
Source details : Rec 6" (OGS Crawford undated)
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Source Number : 9
Source :
Source details : EARTH.GOOGLE.COM 01-JAN-2005 ACCESSED 01-FEB-2016
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Source Number : 3
Source :
Source details : F1 JRL 09-FEB-73
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Source Number : 4
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Source Number : 5
Source :
Source details : RCHME: Therfield Heath Survey
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Source Number : 5A
Source :
Source details : APs Meritian 69052 06-9 (4-JUN-69)
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Source Number : 5B
Source :
Source details : Nunn, EB 1855 MSS Notebook Palmer Collection, Cambridge University Library
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Source Number : 6
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Source Number : 7
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Source Number : 8
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Monument Types:
Monument Period Name : Medieval
Display Date : Medieval
Monument End Date : 1540
Monument Start Date : 1066
Monument Type : Pound, Rectilinear Enclosure, Hollow Way
Evidence : Earthwork

Components and Objects:
Related Records from other datasets:
External Cross Reference Source : SMR Number (Hertfordshire)
External Cross Reference Number : 4132
External Cross Reference Notes :
External Cross Reference Source : National Monuments Record Number
External Cross Reference Number : TL 33 NW 1
External Cross Reference Notes :

Related Warden Records :
Related Activities :
Associated Activities :
Activity type : EXCAVATION
Start Date : 1856-01-01
End Date : 1856-12-31
Associated Activities :
Start Date : 1973-02-09
End Date : 1973-02-09
Associated Activities :
Activity type : MEASURED SURVEY
Start Date : 1992-11-01
End Date : 1992-11-01