More information : (NZ 65310708) "A" Excavation by R Close at Gin Garth, an enclosed two roomed (thatched?) building, which until recently was still standing. The building is mentioned in 1656 (a) and is supposed to have been a smugglers' hide-out in the 19th century. Close exposed the walls of two rooms, the eastern had a stone-built hearth (or corn drying kiln?) Pottery found included a tankard dated 1720 and mediaeval pottery which might go back to the 15th to 16th century. (NZ 65290711) "B" A bloomery to the NNW may date to mediaeval times and could be earlier than the Enclosure. It comprises kiln and furnace with stone platform. (1) The enclosure of 'Gin Garth' is formed by a partially collapsed dry stone wall of comparatively recent date. Only the footings of the building survive and they include a small oval hearth which seems to be an unlikely corn drying kiln. Two small heaps of iron slag flank the bloomery which is otherwise as described. Surveyed at 1:10 000. (2)