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East Sussex HER

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Name:Greenvale Farm, Waldron: ?moated site
HER Ref:MES4296
Type of record:Monument

Designations - none recorded


Possible Medieval moated site or clay or ironstone diggings.

Grid Reference:TQ 5597 2054
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • CLAY WORKINGS (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • IRONSTONE WORKINGS (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • MOAT? (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)


[TQ 55962053] The site of a mound surrounded by an excavation in the form of a dry circular moat. [1]
This very unusual site comprises a small heart-shaped island surrounded by what appears to be a moat: the whole excavated out of the valley side and contiguous to a small stream. If it were not for the unusual shape the site would be classifiable as a homestead moat. As it is the possibility that is merely the result of clay or ironstone digging cannot be ignored. Surveyed at 1:2500. [2]
This is a very unusual site, comprising a small heart-shaped island surrounded by what appears to be a moat; the whole excavated out of the valley side and adjacent to a small stream. If it were not for the peculiar shape the site would be classifiable as a homestead moat. As it is, the possibility that it is merely the result of clay or ironstone digging cannot be ignored. [3]
Raised area surrounded by depression visible on EA 1m DTM LiDAR. [4]


<1>Correspondence: 1952. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigators Comment. Rec. 6" (E.C. Curwen) R.W.K 01-APR-63.
<2>Correspondence: 1952. Ordnance Survey Archaeology Division Field Investigators Comment. F1 CFW 30-APR-70.
<3>Report: Dr. A. G. Woodcock. 1980. East Sussex - Its Archaeological Heritage: Medieval Moated Sites. (40) Waldron.
<4>Aerial Photograph: Environment Agency LIDAR. 1m DTM.

Associated Events

  • Field observation on TQ 52 SE 1
  • Medieval Moated Sites, East Sussex : Archaeological Survey

Associated Monuments - none recorded

Associated Finds - none recorded