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East Sussex HER

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Name:Turzes Farm: med farm
HER Ref:MES8875
Type of record:Monument

Designations - none recorded


Turzes Farm -Tyerdesherse c.1205 OE 'Turheard's ersc' [EPN]

Grid Reference:TQ 6886 2690
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • FARM (Medieval to Modern - 1066 AD to 2050 AD)
  • SETTLEMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)


HLC defines this site as a large medieval farmstead. Turzes Farm -Tyerdesherse c.1205 OE 'Turheard's ersc' [EPN] [1] East Sussex farmstead characterisation defines the existing farm as a 19th century irregular multiple yard dispersed farmstead mainly ranged along 'drift' [2]


<1>Survey: Bannister, N. 2008. Historic Landscape Characterisation of Sussex.
<2>Survey: English Heritage. East Sussex Farmstead Characterisation Project.

Associated Events - none recorded

Associated Monuments - none recorded

Associated Finds - none recorded